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marky boy

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  1. Looking at it, I reckon that is a Jitsie bolt on Linkage protector. It should not replace the other rubber. You should have 2 x rubbers for the bashplate as the manual shows. Or better still, get the newer style bashplate rubber that is one piece from Honda Manuals - Montesa
  2. Scalvini stopped making them 5 or 6 years ago. H&D Racing used to stock them when they were available. There maybe an odd used one around but do not think many were made.
  3. marky boy

    4rt dog bone

    Same as any dogbone, press out the old bearings and replace with new ones. If it is the H&D one then you will need 8x sealed bearings.
  4. I fit heat reflective self adhesive material to the inside of mine, like they use on mx bikes as the 4rt silencer has always run hot. The 300 plastic cover is the same as standard but has a small amount of heat reflective tape on the inside, as they get hotter still.
  5. Fuel cap was a standard one that i cut the top out of and bonded in a red bull can top into and then painted the outside blue. Originally i was going to do it in red bull colours...(this was about 2003 mind you) If you are going to paint the rear guard be sure to use a plastic primer and add plastiser to the paint and then it will not crack when it bends and flexes. Upol used to do special plastic car bumper paint in rattle cans that had etching primers etc in a step by step system..no idea if they still do.
  6. Yeah, no rattle cans. (though have found the matt black by Wurth to resist petrol very well) All done using proffesional 2k paint system. (ie vehicle spray paint) It is the finish coat that is crucial to resist the fuel, so technically you could pretty much use anything for the base colour if you want to do most of the job yourself and then get the top coat shot over in 2k clear by somebody in a bodyshop if they were preppared to do so.
  7. Yep, pretty straight forward and a good shaped tank to paint on the Scorpa. I have done a few in the past when i had them... :-)
  8. Double sided tape on the inside does the trick and looks much better than multiple zips
  9. Seems i have not put up a build for a while. Project Christmas tree we called this one :-D
  10. Sorry Dabster, was maybe not clear. I am with you and also agree it is not really needed for those lads in the marginal gains side and maybe over the top, but a spot of yours to mention it. I simply meant the usual comments about what a waste of time it was to try and save weight here and there over the bike.
  11. Because they knew that some idiot would come along and say 'try eating one less pie' .....jeeez
  12. I am running tubeless on the front of my 4RT, using a standard Michelin front x-lite tyre. Seemed to blow up and pop on fine?
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