I am having a terrible time with the rear brake of my son's bike. It was binding so I removed and clean the pistons, one was stuck solid. I then set about bleeding the system, I removed the master cylinder pushrod and used a crosshead to obtain full strokes. My problem is that it never stops producing air bubbles, I must have put a litre of fluid through. I've tried forcing fluid in the bleed nipple with a syringe until it fills the reservoir. There is still hardly any brake, I then tried to catch any surging bubbles with conventional bleeding from the rear pumping the pedal and it continues to produce air bubbles. I then took the master cylinder apart, the seals look fine. I soaked them on hot soapy water to plump them up a bit and reassembled. Repeating the above bleeding procedure, still loads of air. I'm out of ideas now. Any help would be gratefully received.