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  1. Hi massimo anychance you could mail me a copy of the vertigo 300 2016 workshop manual many thanks madjohn 

  2. Dear RC4, once the caliper is out of the bike, you must open it, unscrewing the two screws blocking the two parts.You will find a little hole connecting the two parts. Blow air in these holes, and close with your finger the oil inner (only on one side...). Once the pistons are out, check theme, and the seals. If they are not damage, you do not need to replace theme. I hope you could understand me... sorry for my English... Have a nice day. Massimo
  3. I have the workshop manual of the 2016 models. If anybody need it send me PM with email address. On the other hand, I am looking for 2018 workshop manual. Any help appreciate !
  4. Hi Ziosherco! Also I come from Italy, Chiavari (GE) and I have a Vertigo Vertical 2018. Nice to meet you!
  5. The pistons must move out for 2 cm. Take the caliper off the bike and open it. Use compressed air to take the pistons off and check them, there must no have sign of corrosion. Clean with white petroleum, and put some grease (without metal inside...there is also a specific one from ATE) on the orings.
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