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  1. Hi yes . I was wondering if Me.bers would be interested in them if I could and if so what prices they would be willing to pay .
  2. Hi Is there any call for the clutch baskets on the older st range I know the bikes are getting older and the baskets seem to getting hard to get hold of
  3. stogga


    Hi again . I have ordered a second hand basket . Which is said to be from same bike however . Just wo during if any sherco experts can id if it is as looks a little different and alot lighter one I took off is the solid one and the new one doesn't have what looks like a weight ?
  4. stogga


    Thanks for replies. It looks like someone has already tried with a file that didnt know how to use a file. Its a right mess so maybe a second hand one for now . Neil
  5. stogga


    Hi all. I have a 2004 st125. Clutch basket needs replacing. Does anyone know where to get only the basket or does anyone know if these basket are the same as any other bike. Tia
  6. Hi does anyone know of the correct jets and slide pin for the txt 70 cc Regards Neil
  7. stogga

    TXT 70cc

    Hi all. Would anyone have any advice (vids or pics) or could point me a in the direction of any info on the stripdown and rebuild of the 70cc engine from the 2003 txt 70 rookie. Tia Neil
  8. stogga


    Hi all is spares still available for the 250 easy . I have read the engine is rotax .
  9. stogga


    Thanks how much to post to uk regards Neil
  10. stogga


    Hi all does anyone know where I could get some swing are pin rubber bungs from ?
  11. Thanks for your message I'll try that
  12. Hi It seems after some research that the older txt radiators had the thermostats inline and not in the radiator itself. Does anyone know if these older rads are available or could the port be blocked out and the new type used. Regards Neil
  13. Hi all. My son has damaged his radiator today and after looking at replacements on web they all seem to have an additional port on the top of them . . Can anyone shed any info on what this port is for as the 70 cc rookie does not seem to have it
  14. dellorto phbg 21 ds gas gas 70 2003 Carburettor adjustment. Hi all I am trying to adjust the tickover on this carb/ bike . There are two adjustment screws on the side Idle mixture and slide stop screw . I have taken this carb apart and blew out and cleaned all visible jets and galleries. Now back on bike and starts and runs ok but the tickover screw doesn't seem to be able to screw in any more to raise the speed of engine. I have bought a new slider and this does not make any difference. Can anyone think of any other things I may be missing . Regards Neil
  15. What's a good replacement caliper if I can't get the hebo ones . If I changed them would I need to change master cylinders too?
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