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Haha yeah time although bleading rear is more often a nightmare than the front. just make sure you dont snap the nipple, one thing i have seen and couldnt believe was, a friend of mine bought himself a Techno and his rear brake stopped working after an hour out on his new toy, he took it round to me and we started having a look and couldnt get it bled, i removed the nipple and found someone had damaged the threds in the caliper that badly that they had to cut the taper off the nipple to catch on good threads lower down, then plugged it with silocone sealant which ofcourse perrished and drew air in. Sorry little of topic there.
Hey everyone, Im back on the bike after a long break though not through chioce. Got to do something to get out so might aswell be something i enjoy...
Does anyone know a link to download the entry forms for the pollock trial or am i to early to be asking??
Ill make that ain
Stanley trials club are holding a 2 day trial this Sat and Sun. you can enter both days or 1 day whichever day. Start is 11am and it is right at the side of the A68 just past Consett heading south you will get to meet all the local lads there and all category of rider are catered for it'll be much better than practicing Unfortunatly im unable to make that one as i have although not through my own choice been volenteered to do stuff in newcastle over the weekend.
Hey all havent been on in a while. Firstly i have now moved south of the border barely and have been in touch with the berrick club reference trials aswell as a couple of other people. I am looking for anyone who rides localy (near Alnwick) who can help me get acces to practice areas especially moorland if it is available or point me in the right direction to gain permission. The other thing is i would need really good directions to areas as am compleetly new to this part of the country and have no idea about place names and where they are. Thanks Al
The problem with the mikuni carb is the fact it is mounted in the bike at an angle so if you lean it over to the left (the side the stand is on) which cant be avoided it trickles or as in some cases pours out fuel. By the sound of it this is not the problem you are having as if it was pouring out fuel it means the bowl is full, as it is an overflow it pours out of it means there is pleant there to run the bike. Might be worth taking the carb apart and checking if anyone has been in there to solve the problem with the fuel pouring out by bending the plate that the floats push on to close the needle valve, it may have been bent slightly to far and it will be starving itself of fuel. If that is the case then be prepared to spend any time from 30 mins to a couple of hours to fix unless you buy a new plate but i managed to stop the fuel leak on my 03 and have it running well by adjusting it that way, its just trial and error getting it right. Saves spending money to get a carb mod done that may not solve your problem.
Cheers for that ill post again when i get there to find out whats going on
I mainly use Dunlop tyre`s have had no problems with them seem easier to fit than the Michelins (never had one that was easy to get on the bead) but do wear down a bit quicker possibley a softer compound.
Hi all just wondering if there is anyone who rides around the Newcastle area that can tell me of the clubs and practice areas available as i am moving there in August cheers.
Having a van is the ideal but if you cannot streach your budget that far the trailer option is the best as the bike rack through experience puts a lot of strain on your car and footrests etc can clip your bumpers paintwork etc if you are not carefull.
ah that explains it we are sorted to ride as a group fella spoke to Lochaber secretary the other day and we are all doing Masters route and entries don't close till 4 april not making it on Sunday family stuff came up. Have taken the lighting kit and wiring out o mine and put the number plate on now so good to go, gonna get up woodside tomorrow afternoon for some training if you get this before then other than that ill speak to you later mate.
REGS are on the entry form i gave you on the weekend fella
Inverness is the closer and at that time of year it would be very unlucky to have the flight canceled i have never had a problem with it Inverness is about an hour and a half away and Glasgow about two to two and a half hours ish