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Everything posted by NoTraction
  1. Thank you both….. found it now! 👍
  2. I cant find anything online about that, is it a current thing? All I can find is Mortimer Classic MCC but they seem more about pre 65 motocross. Nothing about fun trials anywhere?
  3. Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll look into that one. I’m all up for challenge but it would be good to get some easyish going in for starters if possible. Would like to build up to some of the more challenging stuff as my confidence grows rather than be thrown in the deep end! Would be great to get a bit of training as well though.
  4. So today I did my second ever trial. My first trial was about a month ago in Standlake Woods near Oxford, hosted by North Berks MCC. I entered the lowest group I could and amazed myself by managing to complete all four rounds of ten sections on the novice route with an overall score of about 34 or 35. I was extremely chuffed with this and despite splitting my front mudguard went home full of confidence and looking forward to the next one. Today was my second trial at Beckley, Oxford Ixion MCC. I rocked up feeling quite confident but, OMG, it was a completely different experience. Obviously it’s been wet recently but most of the sections were either up or down (or both) steep slippery banks with some pretty tight turns thrown on on the beginner route. In four hours I managed one full circuit plus three sections, flipped the bike at least three times, got pinned underneath it, got stuck in a couple of bogs and basically slipped and slid all over the place. I think I spent as much time on my backside or paddling as I did on the pegs. It would have felt better if there were a few easier sections to dilute it but I pretty much struggled with all but a couple (and I didn’t clean those!) Not an encouraging experience. So, slightly deflated and completely knackered from dragging the bike out of the bogs (although I still basically enjoyed myself) I have realised I really need some training and guidance. I’d rather be taught some tips and tricks by someone with experience than learn entirely by my mistakes if possible. At 53 , if I can ‘fast track’ the learning curve in any way it would be a massive help! Does anyone have any recommendations? I’m near Oxford, happy to travel but the nearer the better. But I could really use some help if there’s any out there.
  5. Thanks, I get it now. More knowledge needed on what club is attached to what area etc so I need to look into it. Thanks for the explanation 👍
  6. I hadn’t considered that… I’m not sure I even understand what it means! Do the different clubs belong to different areas then, like darts leagues etc? You can see how green I am, I never even considered that…. If that’s the case! 🧐
  7. Thanks Chris, I wondered if that was the case. There's two possibly three clubs near me I would join, two of which I'm most likely to attend events regularly and one that has a practice area although I don't have any connections there. It's not the cost as it doesn't cost much, I just wondered if the etiquette was to belong to one club only. I'm happy to join more than one to both support them and benefit from them.
  8. A quick question regarding joining a club or clubs…. There are two or three within driving distance from me, all of which hold periodic events that I will enter. I’m new to all of this having only done one trial so far, is the done thing to join all of the clubs whose trials you enter to show support or should you only join one? I don’t really know anyone in any of them personally although the lads and lasses at North Berks MCC were very welcoming at the trial I entered. They aren’t my nearest club though. Might see a daft question but none are exactly on the doorstep and the nearest one only seems to come together when they are holding a trial from what I can see, it’s not like there is a practice ground or central ‘club hub’ as such as far as I know. Whats the done thing? Cheers
  9. Does anyone on here know of or attend pre organised or regular practices held at Milton Buzzards practice ground in Milton Keynes? I have been in touch with someone at the Club by email who has said that if I join I can get access to the practice ground but that you can’t go alone for safety reasons, which is understandable. But he couldn't really offer any insight as to when anyone else is there. He said to check the Facebook page, I did this but the last post was in 2017….! So I don’t think I’ll find out much there.. I just wondered if there are any regulars of the Club on here that may be able to shed some light or that go up in groups, it would be pretty handy for me as it’s only 20 miles away but I don’t have anyone to pair up with so it’s a bit of a catch 22. Cheers.
  10. Did you buy newer or older? Just curious as I was in the same position until 3 weeks ago when I bit the bullet and bought a 13 year old Beta Rev 3 for just under £1500. Maybe dearer than it should have been however it was still on its original rear tyre and didn’t look like it had seen much proper action at all. I just didn’t want to keep waiting for ‘the right priced bike’ to come along and I had a limited budget. I have since trialled it once (my first trial) and fell off twice busting the front mudguard so quite happy to have an older bike to get started on …. There will doubtless be more damage to come! Still, I fell quite spectacularly (in my mind) and still managed a reasonable score of 34 on the easy route. Quite happy for my first attempt 🙂
  11. Come and say hello if you see me….. I’ll be in the silver high top Transit Custom with Mr Gas Fires written down the side…. You can’t miss it! Maybe we can stagger round at the same pace….. 😉
  12. I certainly am! Are you going? Anbit daunting, first trial and all that but I’m looking forward to it!
  13. Thanks for this…. Good to know in advance 👍
  14. Thanks… just preparing actually, first trial is tomorrow! I think it’s going to be a rucksack and some sustainable from the garage on the way… . Do riders usually just scoot back and forth to their vans/cars when they need a change of jacket or some fuel (or anything else). I’m a bit of an organisation freak, just want to be prepared,,. 😳
  15. Hi there! I got on well - On another post I’ve written at length about it. I didn't actually take the bike but just went for a look. I met a few people and learned a lot about how it works (ie the format) and have submitted an entry for the North Berks MCC Autumn Trial at Standlake Woods. Apparently they have a couple of really easy Novice routes to cut your teeth on. I see you’re in Oxfordshire, are you new at it as well?
  16. Good afternoon, thanks for the comments! Yes RR62 I did get there, but I didn’t bring the bike hence not messaging you. I was the ‘lurker’ wandering between the sections in a black coat and baseball cap, you may have seen me wandering about! I decided I’d rather do a reccy first as I really didn’t have any idea what to expect and didn’t want to just jump in without a clue on the format, not knowing anyone, etc. Different if I was confident in the bike but I’ve not had chance to ride it properly at all yet. Although my figure 8’s on the drive were getting pretty tight later this afternoon! I’m not sure that I actually saw all the sections but I saw most of what was happening in the top and bottom woods and a bit of what was going on on the steep banked part - have to say it tickled me watching Ken from Ixion blasting up it on his noisy old BSA complete with Dunlop wellies and Tesco carrier bag hanging over the handlebars - proper old school! Obviously been doing it for many years! I met some really friendly people, one guy (I didn’t get his name unfortunately) I chatted to between sections said he would pass me his number at the end and I could join him and his riding friends for some practice. Also, Stuart from North Berks MCC was really welcoming and helpful so I will be entering their Autumn Trial in a fortnight as it sounds right up my street. And I bumped into a guy a knew from about 20 years ago, John Quigg, on one of the sections. I now know the general format and feel more comfortable getting stuck in after seeing first hand how it all ‘works’. I’m not sure how beginner friendly some of the sections at Beckley were but there was nothing that looked particularly intimidating or that I wouldn’t have a crack at once I’m more familiar with the characteristics of the bike. So all in all, a great mornings learning was done and I am now looking forward to getting riding! I’ve asked for a lot of advice in the last couple of weeks so thanks to everyone who has taken the time to reply, it’s been really helpful. 👍
  17. This may seem a daft question…. Planning on going to a trial for the first time tomorrow at Oxford Ixion just to check it out and learn before taking the newly purchased bike. But I have no idea how long it’s likely to go on for! Starts at 10.30, are they usually an all day thing or a lunchtime finish thing? And do you take food and drink or is there usually a burger van or something? Sorry if this seems an odd question but I can’t find out any info and the Wife wants to know roughly what time I’ll be back! And as shown, I really haven’t got a clue what to expect! 😆
  18. Maybe I'll chuck it in the van..... just in case!
  19. Thanks, I thought I was being optimistic!
  20. Thanks Rich I’m thinking I may just go for a look around this time. I doubt I’m going to get to have decent go in the bike before then and I think I might like to get to know it a bit first just in case! I see you are in Buckinghamshire, I’m between Aylesbury and Bicester. Do you know if there are any places to practice in this neck of the woods? I know of Milton Buzzard and Berko, I was wondering if there was anywhere more locally. Long shot, but thought it worth asking! I don’t think Oxford have a place for practicing.
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