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  1. I'm taking my fork tubes apart so I can send them to be rechromed as its peeling off I have got them dis assembled, I've got the damper rod out, but in the fork tube there is an aluminium bush and also what looks like a washer retained at the bottom of the fork tube. How do you get this out as obviously this cant stay in for rechroming. Thanks..
  2. I don't like the swining arm design, it will fill up with mud and will also cut a hole in your boots potentially.
  3. Cheers, shame as it was a great site.
  4. Anyone know why this site has stopped being updated? It was a great resource.
  5. eddie_lejeune

    18 GG?

    So is the 2017 model 2016 then?
  6. scorpa used the exhaust as a sub frame in 2006
  7. would a world round rider not be more of a priority than a btc rider
  8. Ice Hell is a stupid name for a motorbike as is combat.
  9. Official riders ARNAU FARRE (Spain) MATTEO GRATTAROLA (Italy) MICHAEL BROWN (UK) FRANZI KADLEC (Germany) JACK PRICE (UK) JACK PEACE (UK) so are these boys all riding the big line in the world championship?
  10. electric bike will never be the same until they develop a proper clutch and not an on and off switch
  11. why go to an outdoor world round to watch indoor sections. Better just going to Sheffield Waste of time.
  12. i always used renthal mediums on all my bikes. One of the first things when I bought a new bike was put renthal mediums on. The soft compound are great but last no time at all The hard ones are great also but are too harsh on your gloves The medium ones last a couple of seasons no sweat.
  13. good job, love seeing pics of bikes getting a before and after
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