Just read this on the AHRMA website . How far can this go ??!!
ran across this....http://www.oldengine.org/members/billd/webdoc2.asp#2hmdngr
The Trophies will be unique .
Special exception for the dynamic duo in SR.
Surely , this has been edited . There's no exhaust smoke !
Make sure that the batteries are hooked in series . It's a 24VDC motor . I have an extra set of batteries that I charge separately. ( O.E. charger took a C##p ) have to make a mental note to hook them up back proper . It's easy to get the jumpers crossed .
Results are in .
Geez' O' Chrysler !
I had just received the magazine last week with the hint of the rule change and now it's tossed !!!! But how ?....Why ?...Who....Aaargh !
Tony , you are spot on . The addition of those Classes would beneficial to all . Frustrating to see a water-cooled Husky on the cover of VV and all the other disciplines with Post-Vintage Classes and more . I just.....
I've ridden the West Coast events and come back thinking that , Yep , that was a long hike ( and $$ ) just for a parade . On the other hand , I've ridden events where the State Instrument is the Banjo ( ) and come away thinking what a great bang for the Buck . Hard doesn't have to difficult ( or is it the other way around ? ) Definetly a difference in philosophy . Obviously one has more clout than the other though . There in lies the problem .
This , for me goes back to the Nintey's when we were asked to create a Trials at Grattan . Spending countless hours carving out sections in an overgrown , poison Ivy infested , trying to make something out of nothing , woods . We took it upon ourselves to invite our Local group to come and participate as a Fun Event, thinking that it would help spark some interest on a local level and interest in AHRMA . WRONG ! I was informed in no uncertain terms ( by a former World Champion ) that " It only 'Mucks' things up ". Well , okay , geez , sorry . On the other hand , it was Ho-Hum , we don't have time for 'Fun Trials' and there wasn't a need for additional classes .
So much for trying . But yet , I keep coming back for more . Preserverance has to be the case if we want to improve/expand Vintage Trials at a National/ local level . Ahrma would seem the logical choice ....
I agree , Tony .
One Day , one Day ....
On a lighter note...
It was posted that rules changes were being submitted to the Governing body ( Twin shock/Drum Pre 1985) and those concerned should respond to their representatives in favor of the motion . Also that TLR's are not included .
Well...Okay ....ITSA (yeah , okay pun intended ) start . Nothing ventured , nothing gained .
I think with the new Trials Coordainator , that there can be improvement . But it takes your voice !
Thought's ?
Okay , I'm over it . Even though I'd preferred that ' You take it outside ! '. The majority of threads end up off topic anyways , so whatever .
Observations .
The original thread was for " Volunteers " . For that , I got no response from this Board .
Honesty is the best policy ( No question ) . In a sense though , I feel that I was responsible for the Observers ( which was the ' root 'of the problem ) . I didn't have an abundance of volunteers at the time , could have used a 3rd at some of the sections to handle the 70 some riders and some were not versed in Vintage rules and a couple that had no idea at all . So for that , I apologize .
Don't mess with the ' Guru ' and his Clan . ( I hear Banjo's )
For the money , it's a shame that all of the top finishers not be given an award , even though there may not be 3 riders in the Class ? That needs to be addressed . On the other hand , who wants a ' TRAILS ' trophy anyways .
On the Twin Shock thing . I just received the August Vintage Views . The National Trials Coordinator , Ed Peacock has submitted a proposal to the Rules committee for approval of twin shock thru 1985 ( Air/drums ) . For those inclined , contact him or your local Trustee .
The Sunday venue was a mix . With the addition of the X-Country , it made it difficult for the layout ( I could have saved 2 days of Vacation though ) . I was aware of at least a couple of riders that didn't participate as they had to return that day . It did make for a late departure for the long drive home . The Gallery didn't seem as large (?) All the same , they were entertained though . Didn't seem to have the pressure of hurrying the event for the MX'rs and Road Racers . I neglected to thank Don Kelly ( all the way from California ) who forfeited his ride to help with the event , Thanks Don .
I wish I would have collected the results at the end to report , but I was just glad to be over with it and " Where's that Cold Bud " ! Also I not aware of any Photos to view , so if anyone has a link , please do !
So anyways ,
Motor Easy
Well... So there I was ...
Mid-Ohio ! If you've never been there , all I can say is ...WOW ! What an experience !
Vintage Moto-X ,Road racing ( what a beautiful course ! I have to try that sometime ...soon ! ) Dirt Tracking ( just a short drive ) , new this year , Cross Country Event . "A Swap Meet to die for ". ( it's got to be there somewhere ! ) Concourse show , Manufactures , Clinics , so many other attractions within one property ...
Did I mention Ryan Young and His Trials Allstars ?
I had agreed to being the " TRIALS MASTER "
So , anyways . I won't bother with the fanfare preceding / during the event , Let's go on the #1 Line ....
But wait ! At the Riders Meeting , a long time Pioneer of Trials in the U.S. was recognised at the Meeting ... Mr. Jerry Young . ( 68 years young ) for his contributions to Trials in the U.S of A !
#1 drop off into a knarly tree root ,up and over into the bed , up another onto the bank , drop down , right hander up and back down , hard right over a log to a left 180 thru rocks and a quick rt. up and thru the gate .
#2 Downhill into the creek, 180 right backup the bank , across the ridge , left down and out of the gully ,up across the top , drop down into the creekbed . zig zag and up thru rocks between trees and out .
#3 enter and 180 across tree roots right , full lock left , up and over log , lock right over tree , lock left over same , across the hillside to another fallen tree , over right , over left , then right ,over and up and out .
#4 enter , over a log , hard right , over a suspended log , hard 180 left over same and couple others I can't remember .
#5 In and down into creekbed , up the bank , 180 left back down , 180 right back up between trees , left , drop back down thru rocks , right thru rocks, up the bank and out .
Nice trail out to the back 40
#6 enter drop right , bottom 180 left up and over log , across right 90 right over tree , HRAD right down around tree , 180 at bottom straight up the hill ,180 around the top to the bottom ( with a ziggy on down ) around and a 180 right up and around tree and out.
#7 down the creekbed left . up the bank cross angle , around tree , drop down into bed , up the other side over knarly roots , left , drop down back into bed , left , hard 180 right over limb , 180 left over same and out .
I'm not sure , but I think it was a good mile back .
#8 Ahh the Rocks . Seems one of the perennials of Mid-Ohio !
One thing that sticks in your mind is the crowd . If you've never had a gallery watching , cheering , moaning ( maybe groaning is best ) whilst you're riding a section , then riding Mid-O is an experience . There are spectators !
At the Awards , our own Ryan Young presented the 1st place trophy to the winner of the Modern Classic Expert which is the #1 ( hard line ) to a man that bested the best at this event ...Jerry Young , riding his Cub ! Jerry , YOU DA'MAN !! ( I wanna talk to you about that Cub too )
I have to thank all that pitched in to help with pulling this event off . 1st to Royce Klein who was intsrumental in the layout , his brothers Doug and Bill and wife Maria , Don May , Bob Ellis, Kirk Tolly, Bob Steinmetz, Chris Neinhuis , Eric Mc Winney , my amigo Randy Spray and others . ( I apologize )
I want to give special thanks to a lady named Irene . It was she that stayed up in her Motel late into the evening ( with her Husband , maybe you're familiar with , Mr Jeff Smith ) to post all the pre-entries and along with Pat Campbell ( and husband Craig ) to take care of the sign-ups and scoring for the day . Priceless .
So until next year .
Anyone want to be Trials Master ?!
Making ready . Spent the day going over the Trailer , when's the last time you checked/greased the bearings ? Mine were abit overdue .
Why no Twin shocks ?....OHhh.. , you mean modern Twin Shocks ..... Don't ask .
Ryan Young and his Trials Stars are going to be there . Is that you Biff ?
Work Day , Thursday and yes , I think the Sunday schedule will work out well . Looks to be good weather for the weekend
It really is a great weekend . Looking forward to seeing all that are attending and hoping I'll return with less than I showed up with ....( Wutta concept )
Hi All ,
I've been asked to coordinate this years Trials . If you are planning on attending and would be willing to lend a hand , please contact me @ ce23938 at sbcglobal dot net
I don't think Ryan would ' Approve ' this message .
Although 'Commitment ' plays a big part , throttle (lots ), gear selection , clutch , body position/movement ( before , during and after ) and then stop on a dime .
See'ins I have a hard enough time hoppin' off a bike , I'm not the one to be schoolin'. I know though , there's more than meets the eye .
Buy the Video , take a school .
If you would have been in attendance for Ryan Young last weekend , you would know ....
Buy the Video . Take a school . Money well spent .
Just a thought..
Make sure everything has a good ground continuity . Corrosion behind the mag plate / motor to frame /frame to coil .
I like the bar ends. I use yamabond on the grips w/ safety wire .
An old Indian trick...Drop a nickel in the clutch side and a dime on the throttle . 15 cent bar plugs .
To ya' Sam and the rest .
Great weekend !
Not sayin' tis...
Remove the shift shaft cover and inspect . It's actually a remote ( so to speak ) and can get froze up , do to lack of lube .
Mid Michigan will be there for the weekend . Just hope we won't need a Dozer to pull the trailer out
Y'all welcome to come "practice " at the Garage M'Haul Fri and Sat. nite .
S'okay , you made me do it !
Roughly a 2.75"/70mm bore .
DOH !!....
The Helmet !!!!,.. Not Me'Head !!!
It would be nice to walk in and have your way of all size/models , Oh yeah ( $$$$ ) . Hard to do regardless of Dealer/internet .
I saw those at Pep Boys (store closing ) $150 , why didn't I buy one ...or two... !!
Razor has been around for awhile (in the States) started out with push scooters as I recall . I think you might be referring to is similar to like a PW50 Yamaha ?
Bought a Shiro this last summer , was a bit tight on the forehead . Took a ballpean and relieved it ( very gently mind you ) and have been very pleased with it so far .
Remember I said 'Gently ' .
Not sure but, I have one in the barn that is getting close to getting dragged out . Supposed 200 , was told that the pistons were unobtainium , but maybe rings .
Some discussion would be helpful .
Seems I fitted one from a Trimoto or was it a Tri-Z? (3wheeler ) Had to cut the back of the skirt to clear the crank halves . A good match otherwise that I recall .