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  1. Hmmm, its got some flat spots too, its had a hard life I guess it is just wishful thinking that I can bring it back form the dead Any idea where i can get a decent front rim for a decent price?
  2. Hi Guys, no the rim is well buckled, it will need more than trueing the spokes up
  3. Hi Guys, My front wheel is 'a bit :)' buckled, I just wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge as to whether it is possible to straighten it rather then to get rid of it for another one? I would rather have a go at trying to straighten it at all possible?
  4. Once a few years ago, now I can do what I like ? I keep thinking whether I should knock the wall out so I can get my Land Rover in to replace the bulkhead
  5. It is too cold outside, so I brought the Ossa into the house fortunately I cant afford carpets. But its lovely having central heating, even better if I had a decent garage with heating but then I would probably end up living in it
  6. Hi, Yes I have now discovered that. Strange way to do it but keeps it simple I guess, so I am now on the lookout for a sprocket case cover, if you hear of one and could let me know that would be great.
  7. Hi Guys, just wondering if anyone can help me out, I am after a sprocket side cover 1971ish Ossa Pioneer sprocket side cover. If anyone has one or knows of someone I can contact that would be a great help.
  8. Ossa MAR Mk1 Rear brake pedal no adjustment?? Hi Guys, I must be missing something or it was designed like that, but there appears to be no brake level stop other than when the rear brake lever hits the cross tube for the swinging arm?? All very strange ?
  9. Cheers guys for the replies and Happy New year 'almost' to you. Yes the rear mudguard frame is bent down, I may have a go at straightening it but it may damage the powder coat so I will see how it goes. Strangely for the side stand or rather lack on one there isn't a lug on the frame to bolt one on to which is curious? On the plus side I am hoping the stator is good now I have pulled it off it appears to be just broken wires I am now with spark, I assumed it was the stator as I did as resistance check on it and was getting nothing but having read a little bit I assume it was because of a diode in the stator stopping getting a reading? Also the guy I bought if off told me it needed new rings, but I realised the decompressor was sticking. Its got perfect compression so all good on that front. So next tasks to do, 1. The coil HT lead was cut probably having melted from the exhaust so I've just ordered a HT connector which should sort that. 2. The front wheel is a bit bent out of shape, I would like to keep it I don't suppose anyone knows anyone who refurbishes wheels or if this is possible? 3. The rear brake cable is a conundrum, I don't suppose anyone has a picture of what it looks like, I will probably make my own out of a clutch cable, there doesn't appear to be any adjustment on the brake lever? I assume there should be some type of adjuster between the brake shaft and the frame? 4. Bash plate is very bashed and it has been welded a number of times, so time to get out my TIG welder, but first I need to get some more gas.
  10. I'm new to trails bikes, it came with the powder coated frame so I have no idea if that's good or bad I was hoping to get it started over the festive but it seems like the Stator is fubarred? I did read somewhere that they have a diode that can be replaced but it looks like a sealed unit? So I am looking for another stator if anyone knows of one or where I can get one from that would be a great start?
  11. Hi there, New member here, I've just bought a project bike it is a Ossa Mick Andrews replica. I think it is a Mk 1, strangely it hasn't a side stand lug mount so I assume it never came with a side stand mount? It needs a bit of work but the bones are there, no spark so today is pulling the very stuck stator and hope it is just cut wires at the bottom, definate ly will be running the wires out of the front. Anybody here who knows about Ossa as I no nothing at all
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