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Posts posted by ralph
  1. Cheers Bazzer i will going off to stuff me face now on the soffa crying into a photo of meself when i was 11 stone ok i was eight.

    Me bike still pulls well though even with 12.5 stone on it but it is a 750.

    We are just touching on fatisum so be carefull!!!

    This is going to get ugly.

    No naked pics of slightly over weight poeple on bikes please.

  2. I did'nt like that. I was gayer then Elton Johns hair dresser.

    Anyway the turn how to do it because i realy am as bad at it as saying NO to Choclate Flapjacks. (dunking them in hot Choclate all so brings on a come face) NICE.

    By the way Mr Cowley got a NICE call Sunday and Mr Hick for about a 1 mile wheely Very Nice. All most made him fall off when i shouted it at him, he had the opposite to a come face on.

  3. I seem to have me come face on when ever there is a camera about.

    Stop it with the fatism i am now 2nd class obese and need suport not be the butt of ya fat remarks i am on the edge.

    It is not the 17 stone at all JUSTIN so there!!!!!!!!!!!! you stick man!!!!!!!

    And Pete i did not think you would stoop quite as low do not let that JUSTIN pull ya down to his level with the FATISM.

    Great burger van at the trial though Pete.

    Any way back to the subgect, sorry Jza.

  4. Jza, can you pivot turn? if you strugle then here is another way to try.

    Tyre presure need to be right, too hard then the front and back will wash out.

    Keep ya elbows out, knees bent and opened, tilt the bike into the turn slightly with 70% of your weight on the outside peg (very importent).

    Push down on the outside grip (helps the front to grip) turning your shoulders with the bars.

    2/3 of the way around the turn your weight should be shifting back fowards the rear but not to far though, at this point you should be looking up the hill past the turn and winding on the throttle.

    Take every last cm you can on the way into the turn this will give you a chance on the exit, you do not wont to be on full lock and winding on the power.

    Sorry if you are past this stage and onto the hopping and pivot turns if you are then i am talking Betty Swollocks.

    But remember, look around the corner and your weight on the outside footrest.

  5. my check list says beers and food for ralph !!!! tescos will only deliever fri and sat he will have run out of food for the monday B) no wonder you are not coming just with all that gear you will be worn out after the first day!!! :lol:

    Dad, put ya trunks on ya check list just in case we can get in the HOT TUB with Mr Webster, going to ask Tesco's to deliver to the van. Put a sign on the van PLEASE RING THE BELL and bet the driver will look for it.

    And every one should put a Tampax in ya bum bag because you can SWIM, RUN, do GYMNASTICS, HORSE HIDE and RIDE BIKES with them and just in case you fill ya air box up in a stream stick it in, soke the water up in seconds but the bike might be a bit tempramental after??

  6. I am still gorgeous though Barry even though i have a fuller figure, i think they call it voluptuous.

    You do not bang in a big nail with a small hammer?

    Justin recons i got an ar#e like Serina Williams but i wouldn't suit a tennis skirt and crop top.

  7. Thats Fatisem, now Stop it!!

    Barry i am tunring into a bit of a Bunter, i can not stop eating. I blame giving up the fags (smoking to the brother across the pond) but Dad recons that would have passed after 8 years.

    I think i could be pregnent like an elephant 48 months till i pop.

    Not me with the new bike i am about the only one who hasn't got one.

    I can not afford to eat and buy a new bike.

  8. No hopping, flicking and side ways flicks what a boring sport that would be to watch or ride. There would be no one at trials events apart from the grumpy stuck in their ways moaners who would prefer to be back in the dark ages.

    What a lot of the moaners forget is, it was the trick riding coming in over the last 15 - 17 years that brought riders into the sport. There would not be any riders in trials they would be doing something a bit more intresting like Enduro, PushBike Trials or watching the grass grow.

    No minders, no hoping keep the wheels on the ground what are you all on about that is modern trials. If you do not like it go and watch ya local club trial you will be bored Shi#less after 1 hour. Great to ride but boring to watch.

    I do agree tweek the rules, get the right clark of the course and for the british championship use a few nationals as rounds or the Scott trial even the six days.

    but do not stop the trick riding, the minders and the circus that follows the WTC because with out it it would be sh~t.

  9. It has been some time since i added me bit about the Dellorto i fitted to the beta.

    I still got it on and it makes the bike run lovely.

    I clean it between 2 and 5 outing and those outings are 6 hours or so, in between i drian the carb down and run some petrol through.

    I change the air filter every time i ride.

    The boot you get used to, the cable guide is still at the wrong angle but i put the cable between the brace and the clamps so now me guts do not knock it out.

    If you like maintaining the bike its well worth getting, its transformed my bike.

    I would recomend getting a shop to fit it so it is jetted right then you only need to tinker with it.

  10. Justin that other rider was as tight as Dad at giving away dabs but he did not smell of pis# like Dad but he too was a joy to watch.

    Clarky your old practice partner made a rare outing today and got the 4rt hopping about and he was not wearing his 92 gear either just some shorts but was on fire.

    Justin you should have got Richard to come over we would have almost seen one of the inter center teams practicing, think they are riding as over 40s for the event?

    I might be beaten up next time i see them all.


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