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Everything posted by ralph
  1. Betarev3, I must admit Lisa did ask why have i changed to a Mont when she saw the clip.But she had only just woke up.
  2. Kinell, Cheers for them.My wife calls those type of clips my porn.If i am looking at DVD of trials and a mate comes in she say's he's in there looking at his porn.Far better than porn that clip of Freixa.Nice Very Nice. Betarev3 did you think that was me on a Mont (I wish) That is just sex of Freixa.The wife did not like being woken and dragged down stairs to see him doing that.But i enjoyed it again.
  3. My arms are longer on the way home then going.
  4. ralph

    Scott Trial

    I would love to do it but do not think i would finish and who would drive my van home. I will put my name down as a helper,part of the back up team or hold the bottle of water at the finish.(cheerleader may be?)
  5. Hi Barry, Nice white shoes and pink shirt, Which one is Heath? or is he behind the camera.
  6. I snapped the inside bolt on my 04 Beta and rode it for months.Worried me to start with then forgot about it.Never did fix it.
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