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Posts posted by ralph
  1. Now you have to buy all the extra bits to make it more powerful and snappy, so it leeps about and you are left behind on anything more than 1/4 throttle. Barry the flag!!!.

    If a 250 is good enough for Mr Grip himself then some of us should have a 200? (sorry an old and tired debate just like me).

    You keep that looking like that for 4 weeks or more then you are not trying you woose.

    Well done barry it looks loved?

    See you over our way soon or in wales? Nice.

  2. So Sunday is the Wallace and with all this wet weather and talk of some top riders enterd who will be The top 3 and on what Score.

    And for something i am going to keep an eye on is how many will the rider finishing in 30th place will drop, after all the talk in recent weeks about easing the Novogar up we will now see?

    Mr Jarvis 6

    Mr Conner 15

    The Boy Wonder 18 (Mr Wigg)

    Rider in 30th spot 83

    Good luck to all who has enterd and hope it stays dry for you.

  3. The last day was tuff for me and a few of the others but more enjoyable than the first two.

    It would help if we only drank a small amount but no we have to try to drink the place dry every night, then can not find our vans in the field. Sad i know :D

    Can not wait BEST trial of the year for me.

    Perce, see you Monday at 12.30am with the regs :hyper:

  4. Cheers Gasserman, you have now opened the floud gates there will be every fat bloke joke ever said on here over the next few days.

    You know that is Fatisum and is against forum rules to take the pi#s out of someone elses misfortune to be Short for his Weight.

    And Dad i am a little :hyper: with that comment, I'm hurt :D after i helped you put ya socks on the other day :thumbup:

    Well i'm off to eat some ice cream (comfort eating to cheer meself up)

    Let there be no more FATISUM on here against me.

  5. This work sh#t is just about done now so will be up there as much as i can.

    I am not fit enough to ride 5 days a week like Dad and Just. If i didn't know any diffrent i would say them two are trianing for the 6 days Barry.

    Bazzer you come over when ever you wont it will be nice to see you again.

  6. He is like Amos at the moment flicks and kick and a leg out here and there and a few back wheel hops he is like 15 years younger (that still make him 60 ish i think). He got a toothless grin on his face all the time.

    It must be easyer or less effort to ride than his old 315 because he has not wet himself since he has had it, no little wet marks when he does a flick turn.

    He must walk like John Wayne in the mornings after all the hours him and Just spend on their bikes. I think they both got a problem. When i got there toda...............

    Sorry going off track abit yes Dad is pleased with his 4rt and is riding it very well.

  7. And again no Problems with the Dellorto 2nd time out with out cleaning and ran nice all day.

    The other bits that need doing i have not done, work has taken up abit of me spair time over the last 4 weeks but will be able to spend a bit of time and money on the the bike soon.

    I think that it is well worth the money for me and i would spend

  8. He looks like this now when on it :D Off it he :guinness: and when you ask him for a go he replys :D

    When we are having a drink we look over at Dad and he is :o.

    We think he is doing as he is told at the mo but she in doors is a little :crying:

    He seemed to be getting on with it all right for the first time out on it i even wont a go.

  9. Dab Myster i agree it has transformed my bike.

    The carb has had a real test over the last few weeks, i have been working all hours and i have had no time to clean the bike or the carb.

    The blocking of the pilot jet has been the big worry for me changing to the Dellorto, i do not mind cleaning the bike when it needs it but i do not wont to spend time cleaning the carb after every outing. This last few weeks the bike has had nothing done to it apart from one filter change (very bad i know but thats the good thing about a beta) which rubs against the grain a bit but some times thats the way it is.

    First two outings were very wet and nailing it every where lots of mud, the last two have been dry. In all i think thats been about 28 hours riding and the bikes not missed a beat!!

    So far i can not fault the carb and would recomend one but still a bit more time needed to see if its worth

  10. And no probs today with the carb only the jockey. The bike ran lovely all day and it had been up side down a few times with me 10m down the banks.

    I did take it off and clean it again this week after washing the bike only took 1/2 an hour.

    I have still not done anything with the boot and the cable guide.

    The next thing to try when the weather is a bit dryer is a few weeks without cleaning the carb only changing the airfilter and see if it fails then???

    So far for me i am very happy with it and would be gutted if i went back to the mikuni carb.

  11. I would like to say it was because 8 ft step and the near vertical bank you have to be right over the bars but no you are right Kinell it is the fat guts. :)

    I have normal bars on and i think we threaded it threw the bars before now you say?? but will give it a go.


    Talking of fat a good reply to those fat comments.

    Ralph is in the high street looking at the cream cakes through the bakers window when a couple of Bl#ody ugly, slim blokes (least i can diet) walk past.

    Ralph:- Morning.

    1st Bloke:- Ralph, why are you fat?

    Ralph:- Becuase every time i give ya wife one she gives me a biscuit. :D

    2nd Bloke:- :)

    1st Bloke:- :)

    And it works.

  12. Well after weeks of travel and family get togethers i can now get back to Sundays as bike day. :)

    Out come of second time out for me with the Dellorto.

    Fantastic, ran all day with out any problems. :)

    Cleaned the carb with airline (Not filterd air) and put the bike back together on Saturday.

    The Boot (Rudder from airbox) is still very tight because due to work leading up to Christmas did not have time to try any of the post on making it bigger. With the rear mudgard, airbox, tail pipe and middle box off the bike put the carb on easly.

    With the boot still on the airbox slid it on to the carb, this is very tight but only took 3-4 mins but is the sacond time doing it. Wth the middle box off you can get to the otherside of the boot which helps.

    The other thing that needs to be looked at is the end of the throttle cable, not the wire but the plastic cover some times gets pulled out when i am over the front ie going up a step or bank me belly hits the cable by the handle bars which pulls it out of the cable guide at the carb end but only happend twice.

    I had a few big offs today aswell and had no problems starting the bike after.

    Will clean the carb this week because we have a hard trial on Sunday and i do not wont to take any chances with it playing up but i will leave it for a few outings with out cleaning it and see if mine plays up. It is worth saying i am over the top with carbs any way, if i wash the bike with a presure washer i do take the carb off, it only take a few mins with the old one to take off and put back on so i might be taking the Dellorto on and off a lot more than some people because this is what i am used to doing.

    So 2 things so far i need to sort out, the boot and the cable coming out of the cable guide on the carb end.

    Sorry for this being a bit long winded but if i was going to buy a Dellorto i would wont to know all the details before shelling out

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