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Everything posted by ralph
  1. And no probs today with the carb only the jockey. The bike ran lovely all day and it had been up side down a few times with me 10m down the banks. I did take it off and clean it again this week after washing the bike only took 1/2 an hour. I have still not done anything with the boot and the cable guide. The next thing to try when the weather is a bit dryer is a few weeks without cleaning the carb only changing the airfilter and see if it fails then??? So far for me i am very happy with it and would be gutted if i went back to the mikuni carb.
  2. I would like to say it was because 8 ft step and the near vertical bank you have to be right over the bars but no you are right Kinell it is the fat guts. I have normal bars on and i think we threaded it threw the bars before now you say?? but will give it a go. Cheers. Talking of fat a good reply to those fat comments. Ralph is in the high street looking at the cream cakes through the bakers window when a couple of Bl#ody ugly, slim blokes (least i can diet) walk past. Ralph:- Morning. 1st Bloke:- Ralph, why are you fat? Ralph:- Becuase every time i give ya wife one she gives me a biscuit. 2nd Bloke:- 1st Bloke:- And it works.
  3. Well after weeks of travel and family get togethers i can now get back to Sundays as bike day. Out come of second time out for me with the Dellorto. Fantastic, ran all day with out any problems. Cleaned the carb with airline (Not filterd air) and put the bike back together on Saturday. The Boot (Rudder from airbox) is still very tight because due to work leading up to Christmas did not have time to try any of the post on making it bigger. With the rear mudgard, airbox, tail pipe and middle box off the bike put the carb on easly. With the boot still on the airbox slid it on to the carb, this is very tight but only took 3-4 mins but is the sacond time doing it. Wth the middle box off you can get to the otherside of the boot which helps. The other thing that needs to be looked at is the end of the throttle cable, not the wire but the plastic cover some times gets pulled out when i am over the front ie going up a step or bank me belly hits the cable by the handle bars which pulls it out of the cable guide at the carb end but only happend twice. I had a few big offs today aswell and had no problems starting the bike after. Will clean the carb this week because we have a hard trial on Sunday and i do not wont to take any chances with it playing up but i will leave it for a few outings with out cleaning it and see if mine plays up. It is worth saying i am over the top with carbs any way, if i wash the bike with a presure washer i do take the carb off, it only take a few mins with the old one to take off and put back on so i might be taking the Dellorto on and off a lot more than some people because this is what i am used to doing. So 2 things so far i need to sort out, the boot and the cable coming out of the cable guide on the carb end. Sorry for this being a bit long winded but if i was going to buy a Dellorto i would wont to know all the details before shelling out
  4. You got to give them all credit for getting through that lot. 8 What planets is he from??? Was that Mr Cripps? On a new tidy bike?? Great pics!!
  5. Was that taken at Jon Boys house if so was the gay looking Durranie bloke stalking him, Jon looks so nervous. We need to know more, come on Bazzer we need info. Had Jon boy gone round for advice, Can ya coach me on some splats?? Were they on a night out together? but one had forgot to dress up and the other thought he was going to a Frankie goes to Hollywood concert. Come on Barry we need to know. Looking back is that John Lampkin or a look a like??
  6. In JFK waiting to Board. We came over buisness class well worth the extra dosh. Free coffee, wine , cakes ect. Been down stairs and its jammed but nice and comefy up here. if anyone is flying over the atlantic fly with Maxjet fantastic service. Plunker you are right with being abit unsafe after dark but not as bad as a few years ago. The police has got the gangs under control in the bit we were in. You guys on push bikes could entertain the queues at the statue of liberty far beter than the blokes on the guitars. Must go for a cake. Ralph
  7. Or confused and GAY Cheers Andy
  8. if it is the air box boot then it sthe same we think (i will ask) hrc1 said it is the same according to the parts list.
  9. JR, i didn't see any one riding on them but you can walk over them, Lisa is saying how nice to have this in the city to walk around and i am say yes dear but thinking wonder if Dougie could get up that, that would make a great splatt, oh yes dear that is lovely then the mind would be off again setting out some more 8 ft splatts and flickturns. But JR i did notice signs saying no push bikes so perhqaps they are not aloud in there anymore?
  10. Came back to Philly (our base) today after 2 days in New York, very nice too but a saw few and and a lot of 1 or 2 saw Anyway getting off the point, we done all the touresty things and went to Central Park. What a great place t hold a world trial. There are massive rocks all over the place and what a place to do it New York it would upset a few but what the hell. It would be easy to walk round lots of parking and 1 or 2 things to do before and after. I made a few sections up but Lisa was in one of those i am pretending what you are saying and doing is boring, must not show any interest and must not agree with you. Ate a few of those Hot dog things today cleaned the seeler bloke right out as fast as he was puting them into rolls i was eating em. NICE. Anyway any you guys seen any trials in Central Park and would the FIM ever get the yes to go ahead. Picked up a bit of ling go this week so sorry if it come out on the post. Good night you all, have a nice day, how ya doing, you got a dime for a sodda brov, sorry
  11. Sorry Boofont what is a boot? Stu we will find an easy way if we do not it will not be on the bike. Seandellear will try this if there is nothing else. Cheers to you all please keep them coming? Will be back Friday out on Sunday so will pass on anymore info then.
  12. Cheers Essex, So far it is Betarev3 and myself so could be on the pricey side but i will look into it because if it has to come on and off alot my carb will not last 2 mins as it is now. A good friend of mine owns an electric appliance shop and said when i am back in the uk to take the rubber hose over and see if he has one in stock. he seems to think somewhere they will be the same (washing machine hoses) worth a try.
  13. Thats disapointing because we do not fancy having the carb machined. Anyother idears please, is there something else we could use or is it an extra on some far off web sit.
  14. Cheers hrc1, Is the airbox to carb rubber the same?
  15. Cheers Carl alls been noted.
  16. We need to hear from anyone with good or bad experiances. Not just for me and Justin but everyone else who has sounded intrest in the Dellorto. So far we have found out this.. 1 When running it is on a diffrent planet all round. 2 A few has found it is trouble with blocking the pilot jet but yet not us. 3 Cold weather upsets the running on pilot (1 outing} 4 A pig to get on and off. So not much yet realy for a selling point of view or a no not buying one. The rubber is a SH~T because it is too small. The 125 has a Dellorto is the rubber the same??? or the carb smaller
  17. Got to be in the top 10 poast. Wet meself
  18. Cheers for the good news. Hope you get the mont up and running and thanks again for the bits i am well chuffed. Off to US of A tonight so Betarev3 is trying to block it for me. He wonts one so just going through the pro's and con's.
  19. Now Barry i can not match that!!!! I have been laughing out loud and lisa shouts what are you laughing at...... nothing dear she just wouldn't get it. It only takes few mins Just to fit to mine! Christ. You are on another planet Justin, Class.
  20. Cheers Betamike, Sorry i have only just spotted your post. Having tried it now it is amazing. Will give it a good test over the next few weeks to try and find any downsides. Few people say they keep blocking up, have you noticed this. Cheers
  21. ralph

    04 Beta 270

    Good evening Mr Baines, can i say thats a nice photo of you next to your post. But didn't ya mummy tell you a LADY crosses her legs ya slap#er. Nice to see you on a bike again see you soon Thats a great working out thingy you found.
  22. Betarev3 is in for counselling next week he is an addict. seandellear if you got caught by her boyfriend you would be lame as well
  23. ralph

    04 Beta 270

    4 Ltrs of fuel and 50ml of oil will make it 80/1 i think you are running on the rich side, some even say run it at 90-100/1. Not the soal problem but wouldn't help.
  24. ralph

    04 Beta 270

    Is it not closer to 80/1 now or higher? Sarah are you over oiling your filter?
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