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Posts posted by ralph
  1. Hi HRC2002,

    By your photo i see you are a singer do you know stu he plays Tri Angel and wash board are you in the same band.

    Try not to reply to Barrybaines or you will fall off your bike and hurt yourself soon. Do not tell him i said that because he will get all pis#ey.

    Andy is starting to slack a bit you know, once it took an till Tuesday to post some results but keep this under your hat or i will get lots and lots of hate mail.

    But apart from that it is the same.

    PS Do not post to Betarev3 because you can't get away from him and he PMs you all the time again keep this under you hat.

    You will know when you have been excepted because you will have a photo on r2w site. You have to lick a lot of ar#e though, Betarev3 was on there with in a fortnight.

    Welcome back.

  2. Stu get well soon and that Tri angal can be a right one to master one handed but we know you can do it.

    Barry have you pis#ed off any gods of late we seem to be dropping like flies, now did you touch me in wales?

    Only that kiss hello and the group cuddle or huddle, never new 2 made a group.

    Scorpa can you put cotton wool around and over that stump for betarev3 and me.

    Barry all the young Nurses were terrified to bed bath you for one put that pic of you in riding trousers in the staff room with a caution sign under it, This could harm.

    Get well soon you all.

  3. Betarev3 the weekend is going to be the same as every other trial we do, we never do in a trial what we practice.

    Instead my wheels will be on the ground i will be on full lock instead of an endo even though i now i can not get round.

    I will ride over every root instead of jumping them and will take it all to seriously instead of having a laugh because when there is marker or buntting i ride like a kno#.

    Or will.

  4. Macc is this about right,

    Cable ties - Bailing twine

    Buy a round - Just off to the gents lads.

    Latest trial gear - Dog trianning boiler suit with holes or Wulf

    Bog paper - TMX (sorry)

    Eiger to the wife,

    Eiger : Darling i am off out get your coat,

    Wife : Eiger darling am i coming with you,

    Eiger : No love i'm turning the fire off,


    Wife - Hand.

    Sounds just like Dad Macc. He never has a dab he's to tight.

  5. Eiger,

    Dad who we ride with had a pinky up an till about 4 years ago and that thing would go anywhere. He pi#sed around with it for years to make it more snappy mod this mod that but up those streams it was ace.

    He said he rode it well because of the lack of power so he never got left behind, we all had new and powerful bikes and he still got up more steps than us.

  6. Cheers all great day and a good mix of sections.

    Andy if i had know that was you on section 4 i would have done at bit of ar#e licking to see if you would have changed that 5 you gave, a bit harsh i think. Do you expect us southern tarts to go the rightside of every marker.

    I could of stayed in that field for a while as well with all those rocks.

    Eiger nice to see you as well, do you cable tie your feet on the old pinky because i saw your chin touch your leavers a few times and you still didn,t put ya foot down.

    Cheers all (the blind one)

  7. After all these years i have put mine back on. I rode in Wales up some rocky streams when i started back and i was all over the shop but with it back on it was too slow.

    Then someone said take the spacer out of the reads and leave the weight on and for me it great.

    Is there not 1/2 a flywheel now that would be great.

  8. Thats the year Dougie was in a league of his own. He would drop 12 the 2nd place person would be on 36.

    The bike can do far more than we can and i would say that the changes made with the later bikes will not help if you have only just started in trials.

    Go on and enter an event you will have fun.

    One of the lads we ride with rode a 97 Beta for a year (2 years ago) and he is now a very good rider so it wont hold you back.

  9. I have a 270 because i have a fuller figuar, But it is still a rocket and i am like a flag sometimes flapping behind it. Everythime i say 250 250 250 250 on the way down and when Kempy say and what cc i say 270 please.

    Go for a 250.

    Was it Mr Lampkin or Mr Shirt who rode a 200cc for most the events one year.

    Smoother power delivery, it will rip your arms out.

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