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Everything posted by ralph
  1. ralph

    Beta Rev 3 07

    What like Matches and Electric plug sockets
  2. Are you back at home with Mom.
  3. She went out and bought a web cam today, have you got one Mr Baines. I Keep slipping out my leather chair????????
  4. GASGAS are Dogsh#t. That will do for starters wont it.
  5. Nice, you made a man in his gimgams smile.
  6. Not realy realy NORTH where they ware skirts just NORTH where you can't understand them and just nod.
  7. God help us!!!!!! Are you coming up for a day part of your rehab.
  8. Please no more lycra Lisa only just got over Mr Baines.
  9. You have too if you 're all going to come north for a 2 dayer with us. (more rocks and super hero pants)
  10. I can see the start of some back wheel hoping there, tell us on the next rock was it 4 or 5 hops.
  11. Young BarryBaines you are right it was Ian who found your finger, he said there was still evidence of a manicore recently and some nose picking. EY2D. I can not talk about the the cupping of false boobs to see if they feel the same so will not go there. Saturday was going to be Football, food and few pints.I made a pig of myself again with beer (bear). Bribbling by 10.00 had a stroke by 12.00 (Not the false ones) we left at 2.00ish i was suprised i found the van. I was slightly fuzzy in the morning but had my super hero pants on and had to do my super man impression (him flying) to the others on the bikestand at the back of the vans and got cow sh#t on me belly. Sunday was a struggle but ACE. No flicks or hopping it was hard enough to just to stay on the bike. James snapped a chain and we all had 20 marks on time. No clowning about well not much. Ry had a 32 oz steak rare, i think it was they cut the horns of and wipped its ar#e and served it. It was masive. Thats about it realy. Must get the r2w troop to enter one next time and some of you can see the Mr Baines in the flesh and in those riding pants. Great event again.
  12. A big thank you from us lot to everybody who helped organise the event. Nice to see so many youth riders helping. We had three retirments that put a grey cloud over the weekend. 1: Old knee failed jumping water hole before we even got to the first section,he finished the day on 25 but had to drive home before it locked up for good. 2:Chain snapped on the sat and Ian was not going to chance another even name calling would not change his mind, (Girls blouse) 3: Dads Old right wrist failed due to over use over the years. Great weekend, well organised every detail coverd. Well done young Joe (Dads real son) he had a cracking ride. There were at least 4 chains that snapped over the weekend that we now of. Anyone else had this prob over the last few weeks. 2 were brand new or any info.
  13. ralph

    Beta Rev 3 07

    Will those bars fit an 06.
  14. uhoh7, He at times can be a COMEDY GENIUS.
  15. Andy, he struggle with one i think let alone 5 and not after coffee.
  16. Something else i do every time i take the back wheel out is press the peddle. Why i never touch the peddle when the wheel is in.
  17. ralph

    06 Beta

    Sorry 07Betarev3 It is just me.I have just got to grips with Flick turns and Hoping on the back wheel so i can not go 10 yards without doing one or the other. It is why i go out at the moment not to clean a section but to do a flick or a hop.
  18. I have got to have me slippers on as well.
  19. After doing a post earlyer about what to do to the bike after every outing it got me thinking and that takes some doing, what do other people do to their bikes between outings.Have you got a set routine you have to stick too, is there some thing you have to clean, an order you do things. If you did not see the other post i have to Clean and re-oil my throttle every time. I can not go out into the shead to work on my bike without taking a big mug of coffee with me even if i am only going out there for 10 mins and i have to have the radio on.Sad i know. Cheers Ralph.
  20. ralph

    Gear Box Oil

    It is fine i have used it for years and years on all types of events and had no troubles.
  21. ralph

    06 Beta

    Very important to check when riding that both wheels have been off the ground at lest 3 times. If not very important you find a nice kick or hop some where. Nice. I do very much of the above posts but i know this is way over the top but i have to take off the throttle clean it, re-oil it and stick it back on after every ride. It is all most an addiction. Enjoy.
  22. Glad to hear you are on the mend just time i supose. You are going to be so bored.Keep smilling. Do not ask the young Barry for any falling off tips bacause he is sh#t at it now.
  23. Sorry, the school teacher thing you a question and they go on and on and on and on.
  24. I know you said the Raga was easyer than your 04 but it is your technique and not the shock. You can do an endo on a old ridged with no shocker or a pushbike. Push the handle bars forward a bit as well it will help a little.
  25. ralph

    Suspension Set Up

    Jonno, Had mine set up for messing about on in the dry trying to get kicks and flicks. Went to do a rocky stream trial forgot to alter the bike and it was a nightmare. My feet kept jumping off the pegs and i got arm pump very quickly. so you do have to compramise a little.
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