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Everything posted by ralph
  1. ralph

    Can't Wait

    My typing is so slow i am 3 post late all the time. Barry this place will bring you on even Quicker and with Dad there with his wisdom Heath will have to come or before he nose it you'll be doing some Heath ar#e wooppiing. Dads old as well and smells of P#ss do any of your old ones smell. It's going to be on page 6 when i post this.
  2. ralph

    Can't Wait

    It is worth it the first time i went i had a smile on all day couldn't wait to go back.
  3. ralph

    Can't Wait

    It's sad realy because i can't wait.The ring of rocks i had forgotten about them. Nice.
  4. ralph

    Can't Wait

    24th Manchester 17 30th Wales ???? 8th East Yorks If you arrange with them to far in advance do they forget Barry.
  5. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Its the bigger things are why we go out isn't not a few little roots on a turn that you drop the clutch on spin round and fall off.
  6. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Size 35 christ (sorry me Lord +). A bloke who rode with us was mad for going up and down things, we didn't know if he was Brave,Blind,Stupid or all 3.Weekend after next ?.
  7. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Barry that was like us when we started met Dad and he showed us Yorkshire and we never looked back.Out riding with better riders helps but you lean to go up big stuff and do the hopping and you strggle with a naff camber. Mr Saunders with both wheels off the ground as well (Nice) never been seen before. Heath must have used lots of toilet paper with Just up that high.
  8. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Great pics Heath but i new you wouldn't not on that camera for long.Barry Just said you will have ago at anything,do you tuck them into your socks.Nice to see there are no wheels on the ground.Wish i could have made it.
  9. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Hope you all had a good day and no big offs. Heath we couldn't clean a section even if we were offerd a new carb, but as long as we get a flick or a couple of hops in we are happy. You wouldn't be on that camera for long. Thank you Barrybaines but the word is stupid, this proves it. Went to the Ball last night and what a mess i got into. I was dribbling by 9.30 and had a stroke 11.When the disco started much later on done my Travalter bit on the dance (just like that clip out of Airoplne when the jacket gets thrown back).By 1.00am i was't looking or feelling my best walked past the dance floor to the toilet and won the dacing compation. But this is where i realy messed up,we about 20 had all prearranged to go back to Big Davs for a barbby.I managed to have an argument with myself when walking to Davs lost the argument,sulked and then just turned around and walked home.Gess what i missed???? Topless Tramperlening. What a kn#b.
  10. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Heath, Go steady with him tomorrow and take toilet paper with ya he gets a nose bleed above 4ft and sh#ts himself above 8ft. I will try to come over but got a Ball to go to tonight and will end up a dribbling reck by 2am look as if i have had a stroke.(you don't rob a bank for a 10er do you).Have a good day.
  11. ralph

    Can't Wait

    Does that mean you will get her off pilot Betarev3.You go steady with her because when you start miss treating her she will bit you in the ar#e.Nice
  12. ralph

    A Story.

    Andy you are of cause right we still have a bear too many and when we are hammerd, do an old trick on the young lad that falls for it but thinks it naff while we are well impressed with ourselfs and tells the one when you got so and so with it. Or is that just us Andy. 2fargone do you still look cool in yours. East Yorks 2 Day in a couple of weeks, i'm sure to make a T#T of myself in the pub opposite the camp site i do every time. Can't wait.
  13. ralph

    A Story.

    The comps did seem to be more of a laugh then perhaps it was less presure on some of the better riders.A few vans off to the local town, poeple sat at the back of vans with cans of bear swopping a few lies. Or was there some more carrictors about or is it those rose tinted glasses i have on.
  14. ralph

    A Story.

    Evening all, After reading Andys little sausage TALE i thought i would post this little jem from about 7-10 years ago. About 8 of us were doing a road base national and we were having a laugh and a lot of 5 when i past one lad that we got hammerd with the night before. As i past him we were on a road i shouted a few words his way he replyed with a torrent thrown back all in foreign. A few mins later this Beta came past me on the back wheel flat out and the rider with his a*** out, trousers and pants just below his knees and above just above his boots shouting kiss my a*** Ralphy. I was in stitches as he went around the bend out of view. As i went around the bend i was getting my breath back and spitting the flies out when i looked up to see this a*** still out and his bits balancing at a very buisy junction. He balanced there for ages as cars went past and drivers blowing their horns at him balancing then having a little hop here and there. I was wetting myself just infront of a car with 2 girls in it shouting NICE a*** BIG BOY. He was shouting at me that he was going to fall off and get along side him so he could lean against me. But he didn't fall off and i didn't because i couldn't get a breath. All day we herd I thought i was going to die you ask Ralphy. What a great bloke and fantastic rider. It still make me wet myself now. Sorry if no one finds this funny. Sorry about the spellings
  15. Great chert Barrybaines.If your mix is 80:1 you can buy a 10Litre can put in the 8 Litres add 100 millilitres of oil or 1/2 the amounts if you haven't enough room in the can.
  16. Hi Bikespace, Is it to late to enter, trying to get hold of the lads but very slow. For some reason i can't read the regs where is the start.
  17. It's the gears i couldn't. Just, what have i said he is going to be a right pest now.
  18. What about a Sherco?Sh*t can't beleave i said that.I would stand toe to toe with anyone who said anything bad about my Lesley(my beta we all have names for them, don't we)The gearing 10/10,the power 10/10, no rear linkage 10/10, the CARB 4/10.But the build is getting worse. 98 was the last of the well built one's.I have only had one Gasser, 97 Never again. There is no one area that is bad due to build quality on the Betas just working on them over the years you think that's not as good as last year.Example the petrol cap nothing wrong with it just not as well made as before.The 07 1.5 kg less than the 06. I can't see it,The Beta is turning into a push bike with a engine. My 06 would become lighter if i lost a few kg.Well more than a few.Well about LOADS. So what about a Sherco.Would swap i Lesley for a Sherco. No chance.
  19. No pants pulled right up ones please.
  20. The boy is Awesome, just Awesome,but he bottled the trick riding with only the pants on. Nice.
  21. ralph

    Trials Vid

    Hi nedi Tom Nicholas is on the 04. Great when he comes out but it's not very often. He got me in to trials i saw him do a 180 flick turn as a 14 year old and that was it.
  22. ralph

    Trials Vid

    Young Joe, Great vid, nice to see Dad on there was that all the riding he done that day.Nice to see Young (but slightly rounded) Thomaaaaaaaaas on there. I see that after all those years of riding with us old gits he's riding LIGHT. You have to show him the Freixa vid clip on one of the other forums and i wont to see you doing it on Sunday.
  23. gasgas Some do, some don't, Just look at the photos. It makes no diffrence when hopping on the back wheel. The clutch is more important than throttle control.Well it is with me but i have only just starting to get 4 or 5 hops in on a bank.Oh and your legs are important.
  24. Heath, Well said, well written, well you know.I too gave up for 2 years but went to watch a British round and some of the sections were the same as 4 years earlyer when i was a minder and they were Flick turning on the move,getting kicks here and kicks there,Observers saying 5, minders and riders saying they didn't stop.What a joke. And at the end the top 10 looked the same as before,the best riders on top. I agree with the Beta Basher (Barrybaines) i got into trials because of Trick riding a 14 year old doing a 180 flick turn on some concrete pipes. We should only tweck the rules not change them so it creates a diffrent sport,If riders can't do all the tricks and are struggling then ride the Middle route.If thats to easy then help the clark of the cause to stiffen it up abit.When was the last time we helped them or gave them input. Most don't ride anymore and would love a riders help. So Where does trials go in the Future? Just alittle further on than it is now i think.
  25. Dear All, If anyone has anymore trick riding clips could you please post them.They are amazing.I have seen a few things in my time in trials.Been out with Sargey a few times on his land in Wales he was a joy to watch and mad.Like a whisky crazed apatchy.Seen World rounds practice sessions and i will never get bored of seeing what some of those top riders can do.
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