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  1. Ok... Thank you very much!!!
  2. Hi all, i have a Fantic Section, year 1995. Do you know how much oil i must put into the forks? My weight is 80kg. Thanks...
  3. http://www.montesa.fr/index.php?option=com...02&Itemid=9
  4. Hi, i have to remove the red marked area?
  5. hi, this is my flywheel. FF could you mark in the photos where i have to remove the material, and how many mm? tnx...
  6. ok, i would like to pull the flywhell off, but i think i need an extracting machine for flywheel. Right?
  7. thanks for your support FF. You think it's worth the trouble?
  8. do you have a schema or photo of that?
  9. ok, but how much material i have to remove? how many millimeter? in the inside or outside of the flywheel?
  10. Hi all, i want to lighten the flywheel on my montesa 315 '02. Someone of you could tell about how to made this mod?
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