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Posts posted by olwhittyone
  1. Had my bike for just over a week now. Did the Macc trial at rough heys last week, can't see anythin on this week. Thinking about going down to Back Cowb tomorrow, got no one to ride with, anyone fancy meeting up for a ride?

  2. I dont think you need to be an expert, I'm not, I'm an intermediate and Ive finished 9 times out of 9 and thoroughtly enjoyed it. First two years I was a novice, not a novice in yorkshire which is like an intermediate or above anywhere else but a novice in the North East. People go round the ssdt who dont ride the hard course in their own centre.

    Dont be put off, I think your dead right to want somthing to aim for. You need to be fit and once you feel capable enter some nationals and do the easy route. You might be last the first time but if your 21 and prepared to practice and stick at it you wont be last for long.

    see you at the ssdt 2008 ?

    out of interest how many has johnq done ?

    Thanks for that Baldilocks.

    I started trials when i was 12 and before i had to stop i was an average rider on the intermediate route, so hopefully after 4yrs out i wont be starting from scratch.

    see you at the ssdt 2008 ?

    Hopefully as a spectator but doubt i'll have the confidence or experience to enter that soon. I do think that it is achievable though!

  3. Since this is regarded as the top trials event in the annual calendar and most riders do at least 1 years observing to learn the ropes at 21 you need to hurry up or you may be left behind :D

    So what you are saying is that you need to be a good expert rider before trying.

    surely on a forum like this people should not be asking stupid questions

    Why didn't you just say that instead of being a a*** about it? :banana2:

    Thanks for being so helpful!

  4. This is a stupid question and probably going to get linched for asking - although i'm sure it's one that others will want to know the answer to.

    How good do you have to be to enter the Scottish and make it through?

    I'd love to do it! I am just starting out in trials (aged 21) after a 4 yr break, and it would be nice to have something to aim for. Want to do it before i'm 30! Do i have to be an expert rider? or could a clumbman give it a go.



  5. New to the forum and have had some good advise so far, so thanks to everyone. My latest problem is that the clutch seems to take ages to warm up. I've changed the oil which has helped slightly but it still needs a good 5 - 10 minutes to free up. Its got to the stage where I always have to kick it into gear with the front wheel against the garage wall for fear of lurching off down the road. I did it once and ended up in a heap at the bottom of the garden having smashed through the gate. You only do it once. Anyway if this is normal then i'll live with it. However if anyone has any suggestions i'd be very grateful.

    I had this problem when i had a techno. I put some new clutch plates in and straight away the problem was solved. They aren't cheap though. Others will tell you to tie wrap your clutch leaver to the bar whilst your bike warms up.

    See this post Clicky

  6. These bars are great, I have a set black chrome! Great if you like bar ends as they have theaded in serts.

    Lots of bling colours too, even Green!

    How did you manage to get hold of them?

    I have been looking on their website, quite fancy the sprocket, but can't see a buy button or anything like that.

  7. Anyone know how it caught on fire in the first place. :guinness:

    Insurance Job?

    He's had the van a while and the ashtrays were full.

    Could be wrong but the van on flames in the first picture has no rear windows compared to the picture of that one that Subria posted

    Rear window only on the right hand side

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