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Everything posted by olwhittyone
  1. It was on. Was very wierd - it was as if the bikes were silent - all you could hear was this rubbish commentator guy who didn't know what he was on about - as if someone had turned the sound off. Usual Octogan sections too, not very entertaining. IMO
  2. And allegedly repeated tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at 08.15 i bet they aint got both days and times right Just put a reminder on the old sky box and it says 11.00!!
  3. olwhittyone

    Beta 4-stroke

    QUOTE: will come some only produced 300 in total Slightly worrying? Also sounds like they didn'tfind it easy to start when warm. Also slightlyworrying!
  4. What he said on a 97 though, new plates.
  5. olwhittyone

    Beta 4-stroke

    Looking at the high res picture - the graffic on the mudgard already says Rev-4T!!!!
  6. don't we need to see 4 stroke 125's before they switch? Otherwise the Junior Championship will be stuffed. (only one i've ever seen is a bosis) ?
  7. olwhittyone

    Beta 4-stroke

    Any ideas when it will be available to buy?
  8. hopefully he will show the same form on the world stage - getting bored with Raga now!
  9. More to the point how do you get to pay a tenner to get to view the videos!
  10. Anyone had any experience using a Burnspeed bike rack? One one fleabay at the moment looking at getting. Any advice would be great!!! CLICK HERE!!
  11. Try HERE! Had digital print from this company before and they are top notch, and cheap too. IF you have the digital photo's then it's really easy. Think it's around
  12. Stay with yours and save up for something that is a lot newer. That Mont is still neaarly 7yrs old. There won't be much difference apart from the fact that they are different bikes, and if yours is in excellent condition then i can't see the benefits of changing. '99 techno is still a super competitive bike - and saving a couple of kilos isn't going to make you a better rider!
  13. If it's your friends fathers bike, why not borrow it and find out!
  14. olwhittyone


    results are out! http://www.richmondmotorclub.com/cms/showa...p?articleID=131
  15. I had a techno '97. Your very lucky to get anything at all, i spent loads of time and money trying to get mine working - had new caliper master cyclider brake hose etc, never did work. Have you got the the adjuster on the cylinder fully extended?
  16. I think 250 will be a safe bet for this year - and if i get the chance to change my bike next year i will have a much beter idea of what to expect.
  17. Hi, yes it was the one at Haslin. There were a few Beta's knocking about - i couldn't get over how many GG-Pro's there were! I emailed a trials dealer today to get prices for the new Beta's and he warned me to stay away from the 270 - "hard to ride and even more difficult to sell". So i think thats sealed it for me - 250 it is then.
  18. I have been to BVM before years back. It would need to be soon because i'm getting pretty eager!! Sandifords are doing a good thing with their test day - i was considering going down to that - but if i get struck on a 4RT my bank manager will kill me!
  19. what's the best way to blag a ride? BVM test day (whens that)? I went to a trial on Sunday just to watch - it was a MAN17 just outside Buxton and everyone (nearly everyone) was on a GasGas Pro!!! Think it will be difficult to get hold of them. I have had experience of a Rev-3 200 & 250, but my favourite rides have all been larger capacity bikes. (so maybe i'm answering my own question ey!!!) How do you think the Beta 270 compares to a GG280?
  20. My dad had a Beta 200 (yellow one, 2004?) and there was me (techno 250) my dad (rev-3 200) and a friend called mark who had a gasagas txt280. I loved the GG 280!! Everything was so effortless on it, and it never seemed to have the sharp bite that the techno 250 and sometimes the rev-3 200 seemed to have. I am currently plucking up the courage to spend the money and put my order in. I know that the 200 is a nice bike and capable of anything - but as someone said earlier i can see myself saying "270 please"! There's just something eating me!!!
  21. Everybody seems to be asking the same question here on Trials Central - do i go for the 250 or the 280/290/300. Nobody has asked for comparisons on the Beta 250/270 - So i thought i would!! I like the idea of low end power and a smoother power delivery - looking at other posts it seems that the bigger bikes from other brands seems to offer this - should i expect the same from the Beta? Cheers -
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