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Everything posted by Spencer88
  1. Thanks for the input, sounds about right what's happening to mine. First time it bogged out I had jumped up a step. Got a new float arriving tomorrow so gonna change and test it by lifting the front wheel. Did the guy still buy your Beta?
  2. Thanks very much for the response. Yes the bike is fine other than steep hills. I will lift the front end tonight and see if it does it again and then re adjust the float height. Any idea of why it's so hard to start after?
  3. I removed that daft ball valve from the fuel cap as I had this problem previously. Fuel is flowing properly now. Put a clear fuel pipe on when I was rectifying that fault
  4. Had only been out 30 mins with a full tank so definitely wasn't run out. Never pulled the plug, just gave up and put it in the van as my son was still riding. Other occasions I have managed to get it running again after lots of kicking with fuel off and throttle open then turning fuel back on, no throttle and it starts.
  5. Im going to try playing with the float height again. Pretty sure it's set as it should be. All the overflow and passages are clear. Changed everything in the carb a few months ago as it was burning through fuel fairly quickly.
  6. Have done mate about 3 months ago. Changed all the carb internals for new.
  7. Hello everyone. My kiehen carb seems to be flooding everytime I go up a steep hill climb. By the time I reach the top it bogs out and dies. Takes over 15 mins to get it started again and it is driving me mad. I have set the carb to standard spec and have cleaned it through with cleaner and compressed air. New plug and has a strong spark. Fitted new reed petals and new air filter on. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks 👍
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