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Everything posted by BillG
  1. OK the sad news is that one ride in and the rattle is back... After some deliberating over boyhood issues with my Honda 400, I recalled I replaced the tensioner with another Auto version and the problem recurred.... Then I recalled the "coupe de grace" was replacing the Cam Chain Guide too (These wear and the "Slack" is taken up by the Tensioner) So, I'll buy a Manual Tensioner and replace the Guide this Winter..... Decision made !
  2. Hi Folks, My 2017 4RT started to rattle. I remember this sound from my Honda 400 days as kid ! I took out the centre bolt screwed it tight against the spring then a 'tad" further to lock the tensioner. Took off the tensioner and cleaned in petrol, oiled and reinserted. Released the tensioner (counter clockwise) Fired her up and all sounds good. I'll keep an ear out for it recurring any time soon and if it does I'll replace Let you know how I get on...
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