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Everything posted by benzman113
  1. yep they case harden it's i time factor thing 12months front & 6 months rear it is a consumable,you will notice a differance & remember you get what you pay for on replacments,
  2. typical lack off maintence again no rust inhibitor fitted, i call it work creation,prevention is better than any cure.
  3. One thing i have learned it's the s**t that kills them & wears them out or messers who seem to know how to make it run better than new, one thing always to do is when finished riding the bike clean it & clean it good, check all moveing parts replace the consumables as req & you never get breakdowns & don't buy happy shopper parts thats all it takes.ps iv lost count of the number of riders who don't even know how to get the right 2 stroke oil mix, the trials ive been in & you end up in a one way gunnel & you are blinded by the smoke & fumes of excess oil & petrol CO's being burnt, that shows how some people set there bikes up. makes me fume.
  4. one reads the problems one gets with the bikes time to time but not many follow up with the fixes, or is it me that they have not fixed them or can't fix them & just parked them up till there is a fix WHY ??
  5. Thats true wrong way also for best performance check your tappets they will probably never been done, i did mine it starts first kick in sted of second & gave it smother running not a diffacult job to do http://www.americanbeta.com/node/708
  6. i did this too all you need to do is mount at side of carb no need for cable extention just turn mount box round it works, stop the water ingress/backfireing.doddle 2mins
  7. i checked my cdi unit before it got to late, if you look, it's a recipe for disaster,water can run right up into the termanals & create this problem, i solved this issue by moving the support bracket so the cdi unit is vertical,no extra wireing or bolt change req a good idea when bike is washed off is to air blow dry,you will never get corroation. prevention is better than any cure.
  8. hi there i have a 2010 evo 300 & must say that i love like noting else also a bosi rear box fitted which transforms the bike beyond believe, very controllable you don't tire with it nether, the 250 i had was an 08 which i thought was the best bike ever, replaced it with the evo 300 & that was even better still to say i would not swap or sell it for any other bike, there are some nice bling bits as well to add , so for
  9. Well at long last after the second replacement on the evo 300 no qustions asked on replaceing it again & what a diffarance this time the engine has never run this good since new the torque curves are totally differant, it revs a lot higher & better on fuel, love to have the old one to strip to see were they have gone wrong, shame that they are sealed units they have to go back on warranty theres always an answer its just a case of knowing.
  10. yep they do were, price one up a barrel & piston u will be suprized how cheap they are from the main inporters
  11. Two more things can cause this problem i have come across when air filter gets resrected & one were the tell tall is when it kicks back (TIGHT TAPPETS)
  12. well I got it back today & it looks perfectly repaired the lug has been built back up to size & the thread has been restored & a hardened steel 6mm bolt fitted, so I have put it back together, you would not know it that there are two alignment dots to line up on the kick start ratchet & also on the clutch pack be careful as they are there also, watch out for the locating dowels on the clutch pack case cover as they are a loose fit & can be easily lost so it was put back together with fresh oil & water coolant put back & bingo back too as should be, one thing I have noticed that on completion of repair that the kick start is slightly further back than it was, this maybe a telltale that the lug is damaged when you see the kick start creeping forward worth a look at The company that has done the repair are called lockstich at Rochdale Lancashire Tel no 01706 372313 ask for paul. well i shall give the full mont at weekend to see if all bears well
  13. Well how many of you have had the 05 4rt kickstarter malfunction yep i got it this weekend . so i have sriped as req, easy to do just follow the book you cannot go wrong to my fright inspection of the case stop it has looked as though you have placed a hard blow with an axe to it not much choice to fix this one so i have sent the bike to have the lug repaired today this is at a engine welding workshop who stich & repair heads & engine blocks. On inspection they said it is a 90% possable chance to repair it or next line of attack is a crankcase replacement, to me this is certanly a weak spot considering that you have a forged steel stop gear onto alloy case ? i have heard of it a few times, rumour has it from a good source that an 08 4rt has had this happen too ! I will keep you posted on what the out come is. Ps all you 4rt owners make sure that you never let that kickstart fly back to the stop lug , under any cercumstances what soever or you will be sorry.
  14. Well i have had my 4rt it is coming three years old this feb it gets a good hammering every weekend ,only time it failed to start when the spark plug gave up, not bad for three years. i keep the oil & filters clean & therefore it cannot wear out in clean oil, my mate ash has the same bike & that one get absoltly wacked & wacked day in & day out he has only chaged the oil filter once & the engine & gear box oil twice & the consuables are on going anyway keep it clean & oiled it will last for ever , i here horror stories about 4rt going wrong this is down to people messing with adjustments when they no nothing about engines, leave all the silencer restrictors in as well .honda spent thousands off pounds developing the exsaust system alone to give the maxamum torque, try it out on a rolling road you will be amazed with & without so leave as is. there are some nice 4rt add ons on the market put your cash at these parts insted happy 4rt ing
  15. C'mon, you ride trials and you dont know what a "King of connected monkey steering wheel handle is"?? At last I now know where im going wrong try this Compared to powerfully, from in controller bull. 2008 model RTL which had become 260cc with aerodynamic volume displacement rise adopted the private camshaft and the new model crankcase which adds breathing performance. Furthermore with the data modification of ECU which is adjusted to the specification modification of the engine, it improved the torque quality and power quality in improvement and the medium or high speed limits of throttle control characteristic in the low-speed limits rapidly. With 2007 model it was option setting, the
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