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Posts posted by Hong27
  1. 27 minutes ago, Hughie said:

    Come and say hello if you see me….. I’ll  be in the silver high top Transit Custom with Mr Gas Fires written down the side…. You can’t miss it! Maybe we can stagger round at the same pace….. 😉

    Ok Hughie, will keep an eye out for you and pop and say hello. Always happy to stagger round with another 😉

  2. 17 minutes ago, phiggs said:

    If you have a track stand, or suitable blocks of wood, chock your bike up vertically, then stand on the pegs.   You should be able to stand with your hands not applying much pressure at all.   This goes for the fore and aft position of the bars as well as the height of them.   Also try left to right turns, is the forward bar end going beyond your reach..?    Hope you get it sorted to your position.

    Thank you for the advice. Must admit I put the original bars back on today with some new grips. Funny enough I done as you have just said above and set the bars up to what felt a lot better. Had a quick blat up the road and done a few tight turns and felt a lot easier, also I felt lighter on the bars. Tomorrow will tell. Thanks again for the advise everyone, much appreciated. 👍

    • Like 3
  3. 11 minutes ago, trapezeartist said:

    There's something for everyone at Fry's Bottom. You definitely don't have to tackle anything you think is beyond your ability.

    No to be fair, I did have a laugh down there and by the end of the day was doing some decent climbs and descents etc. and as said if you don't fancy it turn the other way 🙂


    14 minutes ago, trapezeartist said:

    I believe Zona1 is now closed. If not, it will soon.

     I believe Zona1 closed at he end of July ready to become a bypass or something.

  4. Hi All,

    New to trials, so be gentle 😁 have been a road bike man since way back when. Just after advice/thoughts really. Recently brought a 2nd hand Sherco ST250. It came fitted with higher bars as the previous owner was 6ft plus. He gave me the original bars. My question is, as I am of shorter stature (approx 5'9) would it be beneficial to me in anyway to refit the original bars. I understand there's thoughts of what feels better etc etc....but was just looking for peoples thoughts before going through the rigmarole of changing bars over etc. 

    Many thanks in advance 😉

  5. On 10/4/2021 at 7:31 PM, Hughie said:

    Hi there!

    I got on well - On another post I’ve written at length about it. I didn't actually take the bike but just went for a look. I met a few people and learned a lot about how it works (ie the format) and have submitted an entry for the North Berks MCC Autumn Trial at Standlake Woods. Apparently they have a couple of really easy Novice routes to cut your teeth on.

    I see you’re in Oxfordshire, are you new at it as well?

    Hi Hughie,

    Sorry for my late response to you  

    yes, read your other post and see you had a walk round. 
    Yes, I’m in a very similar situation to yourself as new at this and finding somewhere to practice would be a great  help. Have ridden road bikes for most of my life. Did go to Fry’s bottom with some mates but was a bit extreme in places for first time out and saw me hitting the deck plenty of times. 
    Also did enter one trial, missed plenty of sections but did do a few. 
    Also hoping to the North Berks trial. Have applied to join North Berks club as their arena at Aston is only a few minutes from me so definitely the closest club to me. 

    • Thanks 1
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