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Posts posted by ishy
  1. "Gas and Gas Ossa inician its merger to create the Catalan giant's trial"

    I thought 99.9% of the worlds population were oblivious to what a trials bike is, but Spain leading the world in the financial market it makes sense the manufacturers have a whip round and throw in a few parts each.

    My guess would be job's f****d and there are more builders of bikes than riders.

  2. To penalise the cream of your sport in their home Championship, putting them out of step with there peers, has really placed your boys in no mans land.

    They have every right to feel let down with the change.

    I don't think anyone is trying to hobble the top riders, and see the changes being made are an effort to allow more riders to compete when numbers are falling.

    My take on this, going back to a format that is probably more popular with the over forty's riders that rode that style when it was the way everyone competed. The younger generations who grew up riding stop and hop are obviously going to feel the same about what they grew up doing.

    I think the change's back and forth over the past decade are not the cure to the problem and seem neither side will give one way or the other a chance, been there done that, didn't work then won't now.

    From what I can gather the latest changes are an effort to allow more riders to take part by easing the sections while still taking points of the best riders with a stricter way of scoring, which seems to work for some but not other's.

    So why not apply both systems.

    If a five for a stop is deemed too harsh, then change it to one for each dab taken, one for a back up, one for a hop, ease the sections and allow each ride 1,2,3,4, 5th your done attempt at each section.

    Only way to clean a section is by a feet up no stop ride, trick riding is allowed but costs a dab / infraction, both the rider and observer may be more inclined to give and except a penalty point over a failure for the same mistake under the current format.

    I don't know if it would work or not, but do know the many times the rules have changed back and forth haven't seemed to done any good.

  3. Yea, Steve needs to get a bike out there for sure. Someone needs to get one young lad off a montesa before his career is ruined at a young age as well. :rolleyes:

    Aye if that Bou fella got on a reet bike no bugger would bother to turn up, Eeeee tha does come up with some ****e Cope :rolleyes:

  4. Yes and as a participation sport, the riders at what ever level need to be challenged. I know these guys want to be in a position where if they drop some marks there will be somewhere where they think they can get it back. It seems the whole trial rested on this one section so no wonder there was some angst with the riders when the observation wasn't deemed consistent.

    I have seen Mr Bou with very low scores and the rest of the entry looked to have been riding a different event many times harder.

  5. It's all about what the observer sees from the position they are standing, not what the spectator or rider sees from another vantage point, or video watched many times hours later at home.

    Also think about trying to watch the top riders through the section with other riders distracting you kicking stones and asking why they got this or that score.

    Maybe at top level they shouldn't have observers just camera men to film every section, then all the riders meet at the end of the day and score each ride off the film.

  6. I really disagree with this analysis.

    The lower classes were added when younger riders needed a stepping stone to reach the next level.

    The top route has increased in severity which has made the numbers willing/able to attempt it dramatically reduced.

    I think doug is riding maybe only 90 % of when he was at his best, but certainly much much better than when he was 19.

    The problem here is that too many,and gomez is the latest of a long line,gibert oliveras bethune morris connor and so on, are capable of the top route but have fallen by the wayside. i have no problem with the feeder classes this happens in many sports.

    The fim need to find a way to keep those who can, in the sport at the top level.

    The numbers are a side issue, 25/30 is plenty for a quality championship, 10 is not.

    My point is, by the time they are ready for the world championship many have shown the cost, time and effort needed are not worth it.

    Bou will get older and that may inspire more to keep going in a few years. "The numbers are a side issue" Bullshlt.

  7. There used to be just the world championship, as numbers fell in the 1990's they added the junior class around 2,000 to boost entries, few years down the line they added the youth 125.

    Now the youth and junior see the reality of the game before they even try the world championship or blow the bank before they can get there.

    I think both Jordi and Doug won their first world championship rounds when they were 17yrs old, compare how many riders were participating in the one class then to how many in the three classes now.

  8. I have been round the SSDT it was cold, wet and you had to ride through a lot of mud, so I don't want to ride again, if you want to ride the course, stand by the sign on table Sunday morning there is always a competitor or two doesn't show up for one reason or another, then give the nice lady your money and do it the right way.

  9. No just struggling with people like you who think they can ride and go where they want because they were born.

    Way I understand it much of the terrain in the SSDT is private farm land, you wouldn't like anyone doing what they wish in your back yard would you.

  10. I hear there are some good stag's ripe for a barrel in that part of the world, but I'm with you! Earth first, we can hunt the other planets later.

    Is your home built on land fudplucker ? did you buy it or does the tax payer support you.

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