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Everything posted by The_Drew
  1. I think a TY would be great for your place. Good luck with the deal. Also, don't feel too bad about your knee. I took a tumble on my mountain bike yesterday and injured mine.
  2. I agree with Lineaway. My choice from those would be the Montesa. The 22 GG would be second in line for me. $5000 would be a steal for a new bike around here(Missouri). The only brand selling new locally for less than $8k is Gas Gas. I would recommend finding a local club and going out to talk to them. Most trials riders are more than happy to let you ride their bike. That would be the best way to find which one you're most comfortable with. Good luck in your search and welcome to "the most fun you can have at 1 MPH."
  3. It'll be easier to show you the bike when we get together. I could easily make it up to your farm. Clinton is only about 2 hours from here. I do have events just about every weekend for the next 5 weeks, but might be able to squeeze something in. There are two clubs that are equidistant to you: M.A.T.T. rides in Trenton, MO. M.I.T.A. rides in Belle, MO(that's where I'm headed this weekend). Feel free to contact me with any questions.
  4. What part of Missouri do you consider "west central?" There is a group of guys that ride at chadwick most weekends. I live in Joplin and ride with a club out of Tulsa (NEOTT). I have a bike I would let go for a reasonable price (1999 GasGas 270). You should ride one before deciding to purchase. Let me know if you want to give one a try. Trials riders are more than happy to let you ride their bikes and dispense advice.
  5. I wouldn't waste the time & Money on Engine Ice unless the bike is actually overheating. Nothing wrong with the fan being on. If you do switch to a Propylene Glycol coolant(such as engine ice); you will need to thoroughly flush the entire cooling system first.
  6. Bottom clamp = 10 Nm Top clamp = 12 Nm This is directly from the 2018 workshop manual. I can't imagine it would be any different for 2019.
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