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  1. I have mixed 100:1 in my last 3 gasgas trials bikes ipone oil never had any problems
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQX55DoZGHI
  3. I have put on 2 new and 1 kit the bore looks fine, just changed to dot 5 per Jacks recommendation ,we will see!!!!!!!!!
  4. I'm not sure what is causing the seal to come apart I end up with little bits of rubber in the fluid, it came with dot 4 so thats what I have been using
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcQq4U5ALyk...player_embedded
  6. I don't think you can use dot 5 because the seals aren't silicone resistant in the rear brake system
  7. I'm on my 3rd rear brake master cylinder 2 new 1 kit, the inner seal gets mushy and starts coming apart I'm using dot 4 brake fluid 2010 280 any ideas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. jmurray

    Tubliss System

    Has anyone tried this http://www.tubliss.com/ in a trials bike ?
  9. How about this http://www.tubliss.com/
  10. Mine is not snell/dot approved http://www.saferacer.com/simpson-pit-warri...?productid=1968 Simpson Pit Warrior OTW Crew Helmet that will be a problem at a NETA trials event, I did speak to someone at Simpson they would not commit either way as far as using it for trials but if its good enough for nascar crew guys getting bounced off the cars on pit road I figure its should be good enough for me bouncing off a rock now and then. What do you guys think?
  11. I try-ed a helmet like that, the view port is to small
  12. I can't see any difference between that and my trials helmet quality wise
  13. This is my newest helmet http://www.saferacer.com/simpson-pit-warri...?productid=1968 Simpson Pit Warrior OTW Crew Helmet high quality , large view port , light and cool. But its not a motorcycle helmet so could be a problem using it at a NETA event rules say motorcycle helmets only
  14. Try this http://shotmakerproductions.com/2009/10/04...lumbus-webshow/
  15. Has anyone figured out how to watch Eurosport 2 tv from the US , or any other feed to see the indoor events ?
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