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Everything posted by alan_nc
  1. Guys, Well I do hope the gas isn't the issue on the plug. Here is my reasoning on 110 octane leaded gas. The bikes were built/designed to run on leaded gas (110 octane is the only leaded I can buy). Leaded gas runs cooler as does higher octane gas. With the speeds we run (lack of air flow cooling) I felt that anything I could do to make the bike run cooler was a plus. Alan
  2. Have been using the 110 octane leaded (it's allowed as racing fuel only here, not sold as pump gas) for over a year in the bike. Have also used Bell Ray full synthetic for over a year. Plug is a NGK b5es, it had been in the bike for probably two trials, gap set at 21. The "whisker" is definitely carbon. Alan
  3. This is my plug after one section this past Sunday (and yes I cleared that one). Sorry about the picture - it's hard to get a close up picture, should have used a tripod. The bike is a TY250A, running 110 octane leaded gas, Bel Ray Synthetic mix oil. Any idea what caused this and second how can I avoid it in the future. By the way, I probably have at least 100 hours on this bike with no problems. Changed the plug and it fired up first kick. Thanks in advance. Alan
  4. For anyone living in the NC, VA, SC, TN area. This is the listing of 2010 Trials Planned. For more details see the CVOTC web site. Lawrenceville Va-April-11-10 Danville Va-April-25-10 Morganton NC-May-23-10 Axton Va-June-27-10 Danville Va- July-18-10 Axton Va-September-19-10 Morganton NC-October-3-10 LawrencevilleVa-October-24-10 Bunn NC-November-7-10 Alan
  5. Ed, Thanks for the reply. I did know the location, sort of a mis-type. To late for me to get off work now. I really wanted to do that one so I could get in enough events to qualify for year end points. I will do WV and GA. Might try to get to TN and AL but still can't get enough events in. Oh well, there is always next year. Alan - thanks again.
  6. Looking through Ebay in the Trials area and see this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Triumph-196...=item439d3bdeaa Is this really a Trials Bike or just somebody trying to sell something? I sure can't picture trying to get that "lump of lead" around any Trials Section that I've ridden. I'm not knocking Triumphs, just can't see riding a section on something that big and heavy. Alan
  7. Mikee, Intertesting we are across the pond from each other but paid almost the same price for a TY250. I paid $730.00 (about 360 pounds)for the last one I bough. It had complete lights and was running fairly well. Sold the lights on Ebay (I use it as an actual Trials bike- and they don't need to be street legal here). It isn't real pretty but has been a real work horse. Over here the TY175 seems to command more money. I think they are a great bike for riding Vintage Trials. Alan
  8. DrScott, Just received my Vintage Views. Seems that the AHRMA Trial in Hard Rock Park may not be held because they can't find anyone to run it. Since you guys are there anyway is there a chance that you can host/run the AHRMA event along with yours? Truly would be a shame to loose the AHRMA event. Alan
  9. Fred/Glenn, AAAA....Glenn, I don't think it's considered a good thing to tell a newby that you quit your job because it got in the way of Trials riding. Fred, It is great fun. I think you will find that most of us have competed in several motorcycle areas before we found Trials. To me the best part is being able to go out in the yard for an hour or so after work and ride. You can always do something anywhere- balance, stops/starts, figure 8's. There is also the factor of not tearing up bikes as bad as other competitions. As mentioned, great people. OH yea, I did spend a couple of years riding in OK (ah memories). Alan
  10. Here is their web site. They have a price list in euros. http://www.shinkotire.be/Trial/View-all-products.html Alan
  11. This may have come up before and I missed it.... Has anyone tried these tires? Shinko 241. Price seems to low to believe. Thanks Alan
  12. alan_nc

    Ty Spark Plugs

    So I stop at the Auto Parts Store this morning to pick up a box of spark plugs. I have been using NGK BP5ES for a couple of years with good luck ----- well I'm told that is a discontinued item. They had a box at another store so I'm good for awhile but..... What are the rest of you using in either a TY250 or TY175? Thanks Alan
  13. alan_nc

    175 Update

    Had to post a picture of the TY175 with it's new tank, little paint, 13.5" shocks and some mud. Before Now Alan
  14. Iain, Before you get to carried away with changing things lets see if we can get further advice from Feetup or Tony or one of the guys that does a lot of work on these bikes. There may be a reason on this particular bike that you want to keep the autolube - I really don't think so, but lets give the others time to chime in. Alan
  15. Izzy, You shim the pump to change the amount of oil it sends. It is a trial and error effort. I think you will find that most everyone here has removed the pump and is using pre-mix. With modern synthetic oils the mix is so different from 10 years ago that the pump no longer functions properly. If you do a search there is a long post somewhere on specifically how to do the shimming. Alan
  16. Try this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1974-Yamaha...=item3ca754bdd0 There are a couple of others listed. Alan
  17. alan_nc


    Pat, I needed to move the AMAL away from the cylinder on my Bantam (was vapor locking). I found that the intake manifold for a Norton twin (it's a seperate piece for each cylinder) fit perfect and extended it about 3". just something that worked for me. Alan
  18. Went to ATF in my 175 so I could get the clutch to quit sticking. I pulled it apart, cleaned it, re-assembled and it still stuck. Put the ATF in and no more problem. Now with the TY250(s) I continue to use Standard 30 w motor oil. If I us ATF I can't get either one I have to shift correctly and it's the devil to find neutral when stopped. Never a problem when using 30w. Thats just what I have run into. Alan
  19. alan_nc

    Ty175 Gas Tank

    Squid, Thats perfect, thanks Alan
  20. alan_nc

    Ty175 Gas Tank

    Group, I have looked at the pictures I could find on the Web but can't find a good 'close-up' picture of both sides of a TY175 gas tank. Would someone mind posting a couple of pictures? I'm looking for the steel tank pictures, not the fibre one. Mine is a '76, but any year will do. Thanks Alan
  21. Either enter a Motorcycle Part Number (as mentioned)or try this further link: http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/M...ARTS/parts.html They seem to have most parts on hand and I have found their shipping to be very reasonable. Alan
  22. I guess I'm just cheap: These guys have beat everyones prices by a good 20% http://www.boats.net/ (and they have any Yamaha motorcycle part you need) Alan
  23. Group, Does anyone know if another Yamaha bike used the same shape/size gas tank as the TY175? My 175 has the wrong tank and I thought maybe the same year MX or DT might be the same shape tank. I have pretty much given up on finding an actual TY175 tank. Thanks Alan
  24. Searay, My guess is you are correct, they probably are an "off the shelf" item. Take a set of calipers to one and check the Timken or other bearing site. If I remember correctly we found that the main bearings and seals where stock items. Alan
  25. You definitely need to be running a fuel filter in an older bike (well any bike). You have probably sucked some dirt into one of the jets. That idle jet is really small and doesn't take much to plug up. Alan
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