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Everything posted by Tonkka
  1. I found the problem. Fuel pump is not good. When pump is warm, pump needs 8-9 amps to starting but after that need only 1-1.5 amps. Thanks for helps.
  2. I am 178cm tall and 85kg so that is not reason, I can easily start my friend Montesa when engine is hot but he not can mine.
  3. Plan is check valve clearance also but that is not readon for that poor start because with extra fuel engine start. I think that fuel pump not make pressure or injector not open when engine is hot. maybe part of reason is very hot fuel…
  4. I try rise idle speed but that not help.
  5. Hi, I just buy mint conditions 120 hours used Montesa 260 RT 2014. Bike working like new and when engine is cold it´s starts very easily, but after 30 minutes driving when engine is hot starting is nightmare. If i give little fuel straigth to throttle body engine start but running only few seconds. Then after 15-25 minutes waiting engine start and running like new. I already adjust idle speed to around 1850rpm, also i check throttle cable freeplay, then i reset ecu many times but nothing help:( Would someone help what I need to do next?
  6. Tonkka

    Service manual?

    I still wait if some friendly rider would sent service manual to me also?
  7. Tonkka

    Service manual?

    Would you send service manual for me also, please? I have Combat 300 2016 heikkila810@gmail.com Thanks
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