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  1. tractorman


    Hello all could anybody tell me what psi i should get on a compression test on my montesa 348, i have done a leak down test and that held 8psi for 10 mins no problem. thanks in advance.
  2. Hi traprezeartist thanks for the reply that sound good, i was just wondering weather it wood want some sort of adhesive to bond it to the crank to keep the crankshaft pressure in.
  3. Hello all first time post i have a montesa 348 had nearly a year had all sorts of problems, getting it sorted slowly but one thing i"m having trouble with is the clutch side crank seal done it twice and it"s still leaking sucking clutch case oil has measured the crankshaft this time and it"s worn down to 24.7mm has anybody used a SKF speedi seal on a crankshaft. thanks in advance Pete.
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