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Everything posted by Seven
  1. I wondered if anyone had found any sources of a tube type rear IRC tyre in the UK at all as they still seem to be out of stock everywhere? Have there ben any indications when new stock might arrive? Thank you for any advice.
  2. Seven

    Show Us Your Ty

    I wonder if anyone could help with a place where i might be able to get a seat pad like the one in the above photo, in the UK for my TY175? Thank you for any thoughts.
  3. Seven

    TY 175

    Thats great thank you very much.
  4. Seven

    TY 175

    Thank you very much for your recommendation pschrauber.
  5. Seven

    TY 175

    Hello, I hope you dont mind my first post being in response to an older thread. I am very new to this site and also to trials in general. I have recently purchased a 76 TY175 as what I hope is the ideal beginner bike to learn on and also for childhood nostagia reasons (I still have my old 1981 YZ50 that I learnt to ride on tucked under a bench in my garage). I recently experienced what I assume is this sticky clutch syndrome after not riding the bike for a week (I started the bike up but when putting it into 1st with the clutch pulled in it jumped forward and stalled as if the clutch wasnt engaged). My question is twofold; Firstly can I ask what gearbox oil people normally use (for when I look to change the oli)? My Haynes manual suggest SAE 10W/30 but I have seen other weights quoted elsewhere. Secondly I also read what you said about Dexron 3 auto fluid Turbofurball and wanted to know a bit more about potentially trying this. I am UK based but can I check is this automatic transmission oil and when you said you drained and refilled the gearbox after a week did you use the Dexron 3 again (and run the bike with it in) or was that just to clean/release the clutch plates and you switched back to a regular oil after the week? Has that contnued to help? Thank you very much for your advice.
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