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  1. Is the above trial at Tansley nr Matlock still on tomorrow ??? Thanks in advance Phil
  2. I live about 10 mile from Cannock Chase and ride the Monkey and Folow the dog loops most weeks ... Never had any negative attitude from other users in fact most people think it's the perfect set up the trails disappear in to the Forrest and the only people you see are like minded Mountain bikers ... The people who manage the forest have done a wonderful job creating something that works for everyone from Dog walkers . Ramblers . Horse riders. And family's that just take the kids for a picnic and have a kick about with the football ... On the other hand I could list half a dozen local venues from farms to disused Quarry's that are now not allowed to host Trials or MX events due to locals moaning about noise ... Only time I have read about the Cheese wire madness was in TBM magazine on a green lane down south ...
  3. Give a few years and the E trials bike will be on a par with a 2/4 stroke bike Hopefully Joe public won't be able to moan then about noisy offroad events and fingers crossed new venues will become a lot easier to get approved ... Just look how the mountain bike scene has grown over the last few years . Trail centers all over the UK down hill riders going at speeds faster than David Knight all this is possible because they are silent no noise no one gets p****d off
  4. I agree when I was a kid I had an old knackered Puch maxi field bike we would push them up to an old disused gravel pit and tear around for hours on end racing my mates on Honda bog seats and any old scrap bikes we could get hold of Our local Bobby would often drive by and have the Craic as long as we didn't ride them home he left us alone ... Way to many rule and regulations these days how have we let it happen
  5. +1 illegal the Police do have the right to impound and destroy motorised bikes being ridden illegally ... Stafffordshire police have a zero tolerance when it come to illegal riding mainly to do with the massive import of Chinese mini Motos that every Chav and his dog had tearing up the local parks See link for UK law for E powered vehicles ... http://www.volomoto.com/index.php?mainpanel=a04
  6. Big thanks to YMSA Trials ... Great little Trial 32 sections for the E class good venue and well organised... Good half hour lunch break worked well for the kids ... great butty van and just everyone was really friendly and helpful ... Looking forward to the next one Need a spare set of batteries for the little Oset managed 28 sections before it ran out of steam ...I'll get a spare set and swap them at lunch
  7. Don't worry if you have not got a passport a copy of birth certificate or some way of proof of childs age is all that's needed for Membership registration ... See you all Sunday I've have not got spare battery should be fine itll be a lot of stop start they should last
  8. I will be entering on the day do bring passport or copy of birth certificate regs can be downloaded from website ... I phoned Barry Burton the Clerk of course last week he told me this is something new the club is gonna try to see how much interest there is a fun day nothing to serious away from the main trial.. The club is not ACU so no need for a licence . My son is under 4 by a few weeks and this will be his first Trial Give him a ring the numbers on the YMSA website he's a real gent ... See you Sunday Phil
  9. YMSA TRIALS LTD ARE RUNNING THE 1ST ROUND OF THE CAMPIONSHIP ON FEBRUARY 12 AT MILLTOWN QUARRY ASHOVER DERBYSHIRE AND THERE IS GOING TO BE A SEPERATE CLASS FOR OSET/BIKES RIDERS , PLEASE TRY AND SUPPORT THIS CLUB IF THERE IS ENOUGH INTEREST THE CLUB WILL RUN A PROPER CHAMPIONSHIP FOR THE OSET No minium age restriction under 4yrs welcome The E class Sections are dual route easy and dead easy away from the adult sections... Needs a good entry for it to continue so make an effort should be a fun day ... http://www.ymsatrialsltd.co.uk/ymsa-events.html
  10. A lot of clubs are independent and not governed by the ACU or the AMCA ... They set there own rules and sporting code ... Here's a link to the YMSA website ... http://www.ymsatrialsltd.co.uk/
  11. Just pulled this from Oset Facebook page ... No minium age restriction under 4yrs welcome The E class Sections are dual route easy and dead easy Needs a good entry for it to continue so make an effort should be a fun day ... YMSA TRIALS LTD ARE RUNNING THE 1ST ROUND OF THE CAMPIONSHIP ON FEBRUARY 12 AT MILLTOWN QUARRY ASHOVER DERBYSHIRE AND THERE IS GOING TO BE A SEPERATE CLASS FOR OSET/BIKES RIDERS , PLEASE TRY AND SUPPORT THIS CLUB ITS WHERE ALL THE TOP RIDERS START THERE CAREER IF THERE IS ENOUGH INTEREST THE CLUB WILL RUN A PROPER CHAMPIONSHIP FOR THE OSET
  12. Give Cheshire youth a bell they run great youth trials at Frodsham just down the road from you they also run a E class See link http://www.acu.org.uk/Centres-Clubs/club.aspx?clubguid=c0f1cb3b-112f-4321-a352-2669c065940e
  13. No clutch on the Oset and that's what smooths the power delivery on a 2/4 stroke bike ...Try riding a section without using your clutch Frogger you spot on any feedback is good to help Oset improve the bikes ...But for me they have got it just about perfect ... Even if Oset offered the bikes with Lipo power I'm sure that would make them a lot more expensive and the throttle issue maybe at this moment in time its not possible to buy a throttle that will give us the silky smooth power delivery we crave ... Gas Gas and KTM and I'm sure Oset as well are investing a fortune on development of the perfect E dirtbike give it time they will nail it as its the future of our sport especially in the UK we have lost no end of land access relating to Trials and Enduro because of the noise, Silent Dirtbikes will transform the sport ...
  14. Guys you need to stop and think your missing the point of the Oset yes they have a snatcy throttle big deal...Just look at what the kids are able to do on them ...your getting a little bit anal Have a look at the skills these youngsters have they seem to be doing just fine
  15. Thanks Pete Just ordered one this morning
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