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Everything posted by pipster
  1. Thanks for the replys seems to be plenty of choice ... Like the sound of this one do you have a website or contact number for club ...thanks Looks like a great weekend but it clashes with my holiday ....
  2. Just got back into the trials scene ...Been greenlaning and the odd UK rally like the Ryedale for the last 5 or 6 years ...Its the Ryedale that got me thinking are there any two day trials events set over a weekend with camping ...the Ryedale worked really well and it was great to meet up with some of the lads and lass's from all over the UK once a year and have a beer in the evening and talk ****e round the camp fire ... Just seen the threads for the twinshock/classic events any two day trials for the modern bikes ???
  3. Fair play Stork great feedback I 've got a 09 250 Evo touch wood no gremlins yet but will print that info and keep it in workshop ...
  4. Good mate of mine gave me a top tip and it works ... After each trial when the bike is washed off just inflate the tyres to 20/25psi and they seem to hold their air better then let them down on the morning of next trial you ride ....
  5. Just found this how to set up your Evo for the SSDT http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index....mp;id=6943...it mentions a airbox mod on page 4 thanks to the inmate who posted it... might be an idea to make it a sticky ...
  6. Not at all ...the more info I can gather the better and the airbox set up is a strange one , if water gets up under the plastics then its going to end up in the airbox ...being new to the modern trials scene is this the norm??? most enduro bikes if water makes it to a well oiled filter it just runs off and drains out of the airbox through a one way valve so its very unlikely to get water past the foam filter ... Its well past that Mark needs drilling out and Helicoiling maybe fit a larger bolt... Good idea that would make it a lot easier for servicing... Thanks for the link ...keep um coming ...seems one thing hasn't changed since I last owned a trials bike ...Gaffer tape to keep the water out of air boxes
  7. Just picked up a 09 250t Evo and was having a good look round it in the garage last night ...I took the rear plastics off to clean and oil air filter and noticed the right hand middle allen bolt had stripped its threads in the frame...I shall just get local engineer to helicoil the frame but its the one in the tank that looks a bit ****e and would not be so easy to helicoil in the future ...has any come up with a mod to improve these fixings ? Thanks in advance
  8. Can anyone recommend a insurance company for theft cover for unregistered trials bike ...thanks in advance
  9. pipster

    Evo Coolant

    Was just going to ask the same thing I'm picking up an 09 250 Evo on monday looking to do all the oils and coolant before riding it...Great feedback thanks guys ...
  10. Thanks Guys My bike's up for sale once its gone I'll treat myself to a USED Gas Gas TXT250 either a 07 or 08 need to do my homework re all the models Raga ect ... But with Gas Gas UK at Buxton defo going with the GAS GAS well handy for spares etc... In the meantime I'll get down to a local trial and do some observing need to get my head round the new rules me being old school See you in the New year have a great Xmas New year ...
  11. Hi Guys Looking to get back into Trials riding again Its been a while now,Its not that i've been away from the offroad scene altogether I have spent the last ten years riding Enduro's , UK rallys and Trail riding ... Whats going on around my neck of the woods ??? Are there many local Trials clubs or practice areas where you can pay and play ? thanks in advance for any feedback Phil
  12. Just brought a 1978 ty 175 Yam the engine needs reconditioning could anyone recommend someone in north west . Thanks Phil
  13. Thanks for replys it was the sunbeam mcc greybeards i was interested in .Does the event have an over 40s twinshock class?
  14. Army gore tex boot liners available from most army surplus stores for about
  15. Looking for info on the greybeards trial ,details of host club, date it takes place ect,
  16. pipster

    Ty Rebuild.

    I looking to buy and restore a twinshock yamaha TY 175/250 Have found sites selling basic parts .But what about engine ,gearbox and clutch parts are they still available if so where ?Help please regards phil
  17. Hi guys New to forum but not to offroad motorcycle sport, it all stared back in the 70s when i rode schoolboy trials as a member of Witley MCC and Surrey schoolboys . I competed for about six years into my early twentys. It was the mid 90s when i got back into the offroad scene and started rideing Enduros ,hare and hounds ect. I have just sold my enduro bike and i'm now looking to buy Twinshock trials bike to restore and compete on. Regards Phil Photo ;Me on my dads ty175
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