Hello, I started the project of rebuilding my my 1973 Sherpa. I’m quite young, without much previous knowledge. Regrettably. I’ve got the bike all apart. I’ve had the frame powder coated etc. However after taking the engine completely apart. With my lack of experience. I’m beginning to struggle and get overwhelmed. My hopes is to learn from this project and gain skills from it. So I don’t want to give up on what I’ve started. I’ve been using a few different manuals such as the Haynes one. I’ve bought some parts to replace, such as new gaskets, electronic ignition, clutch plates etc. However I don’t really know the key parts that should get replaced in a rebuild. The gears are my main concern, I don’t know if they’re worn or anything from looking at them. They’re so many parts to the gears, which panic me to go wrong with. So what I’m asking for is advice really, or perhaps someone willing to allow me to massage regularly on a private basis, so I can ask (many) questions. On the rebuild and parts etc.
any help would be massively appreciated.