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rock hopper

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Everything posted by rock hopper
  1. Can I use synthetic Type ATF F oil on a 2003 200 txt. Read some ware not to use synthetic on these.
  2. I have a 2005 4rt and was wondering if anyone has the bearing # for the head set bearings? or are they the same bearing used on newer 4RT ?
  3. Have seen on some ty175 they have replaced factory starter arm with a al one! Does anyone know what they used ?
  4. Saw that you can replace stock triple clamp (loose stile balls) bearing with new contain ball roller bearing . Was wondering if anyone has new stile roller bearing number. Thanks
  5. Is yhere any info on what size shock that was used and how far they where moved ?
  6. I have notice that the rear shock top mount have been moved down . Does anybody have info on this mod ? Thanks
  7. rock hopper

    Ty 80 1974

    Was wondering how much oil and what wt oil should I use in the TY 80. Also does anyone know where to get factory manual also ?
  8. Was wondering does anyone know how much oil per fork and what weight ?
  9. I have a tlr 250 and was wondering what front and rear sprockets riders are using on them. I have 9 tooth on front and 41 in rear now
  10. rock hopper

    Tlr 250 1984

    Was wondering if anyone knows how far above triple clamp should forks be? Thanks
  11. anyone know what stock wheel base was??? and where you can down a manual for bike Thanks
  12. Try this stuff cleaned to ty tanks with it and they are like brand new inside Rock Hopper http://www.rusteco.com/
  13. Have a Dunlap on my TLR and it works great
  14. Think I found out that it is a 16mm 1.5 RH thread bolt ???
  15. Was wondering if anyone know what the tread size is for puller or where you can buy one Thanks
  16. Have found that this somewhat a common problem with these bikes to fix you have to replace starter gears Mike
  17. I have found out that the gears work on ether engine. The hard part is finding a head gasket for the 250, most are modifying the 200 gasket to work on the 250 Mike
  18. rock hopper

    Tlr Flywheel

    Is the bolt on a tlr that holds flywheel right hand or left hand thread Thanks
  19. Have a tlr 250 and was wondering if the starter gears are the same on both in the states I can get parts for the tlr 200 and I need to fix starter gears on my 250
  20. rock hopper

    Tlr Starter

    Have a 1984 tlr 250 sometimes when I try to start it it skips on engagement and dose not return. It doesnt do it all the time any ideas
  21. Does any one know how much oil to put in a rock shock and what oil wt
  22. Needle is at lowest position now was 3 up but bike did not idle right at that position. I have it already at lowest position and the bike idles fine and runs great but plug is sooty.
  23. rock hopper

    Tlr 250 plug

    I have a tlr 250 1984. Have stock carburetor with stock jets, but have noticed that plug seems to be sooty. The bike seems to run great so was wondering is this normal for the plug to run like that on these bikes.
  24. Was wondering what was the stock jetting on a tlr 250 ( what size were they)
  25. Call Adrian at Lewisportusa
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