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  1. gasgasian

    Main Bearings Gone

    Don't mean to sound funny, but if its a 08 bike its not something that you should have to sort out. Think your bike should last a bit longer, if you have suggested to JL that you will sort it thats what they like to hear!! Regards, Ian
  2. I'll have to get a sample of paint from the large granite rock he left it on....... could be mixed with a bit of blood as well. Regards, Ian.
  3. Does anyone know what the actual frame colour (or color, for our Americano friends!) is on a 09 Gas Gas, we seem to have a little damage....!!!! Please don't say red!! Can it be bought from Halfords etc? Regards, Ian.
  4. Thats a good idea, i could do with a rough handle on cost of getting over to IOM in Feb, Ian please post the deals on here. Regards, Ian M
  5. Hi there, My beta's fan stopped working and I figured out the problem, the water pump. Has anyone got a spare impeller in the Leicestershire area? I need it by sunday really thanks
  6. Anyone advice on oiling Sherco filter, my normal method is wash it then dry, then spray Putoline filter spray on inside, then put in carrier bag and massage it in. I ran out of spray and used 2 stroke oil recently with same method, all running well, but now bike seems a bit "loadey" with spray on it! Do you think less oil, spray little on it then massage?? maybe run almost dry?? What do you think?? Regards, Ian
  7. 400 cc of ATF Dextron 3 550 is to much Regards Ian
  8. 400 cc of ATF Dextron 3 550 is to much Regards Ian
  9. Copemec, i thought the fatbars were for a more flexible bar to crossbrace bars? have you got risers or standard clamps? don't think grips will help. not sure what to do??? The steering is very light maybe "twitchy" could be gripping bars to much....!!! still feel to much weight on forearms though. I've slid forks through yokes to raise front up a bit for more ground clearance, also to slow steering down slightly. Bike feels very short. Forks are very progressive and def as good as marzocchi on Gas Gas, so no probs there! My left wrist is so tired after a bit i find clutch is hard to pull in. Anymore suggestions? Narrower bars, higher, wider??? Regards, Ian.
  10. Take a look @ middle box, very often cracked and leaking on this model, could be the noise you r hearing as well, a cracking popping sound,this will affect back pressure to engine resulting in poor carburation. Regards, Ian.
  11. Boinger Billy, this seems a very complex solution, i need some beer to understand it all....I agree i was all for going back to Gasser when i first got it but its growing on me big time, power is mega..so sharp, Gasser 280 seems a little soft for me now. seems to be de tuned this year. I'm sticking with Sherco for now!! Ian..
  12. I've now fitted Kehien carb a couple of weeks ago, its 100% better on the 290 07 Sherco i have, shock is bedded in and seem mega inproved as well! seems to take a bit to loosen off. My only prob now seems i get mega wrist ache and pump up from riding it. Did'nt get this from the Gasser i rode, bars in same positon, slightly forward of upright. Have fitted 10mm REP risers, still very hard on wrists. I am 6' 4'' and after a while my arms are tiring, sometmes need to stop and shake my hands to relax them a bit. Anyone got a remedy?? Regards, Ian
  13. Just had this prob, take off reed block and check reed petals, prob broke!! When kicking it check if gasses coming out of airbox, if so reeds are def broke. Regards Ian
  14. Cheers, Andy I'll phone tourist enquiries! Regards, Ian
  15. Hi, Myself and a mate are watching the WTC @ Erba near Bergamo, flights are 28th June, anyone have some good accomodation suggestions? no need for 5* !!! just something reasonable! And near pub etc.... Regards, Ian.
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