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  1. Hi, can anyone give me a rough idea how much a new front caliper for a 1995 jt 350 will be? Brake was a bit soft so thought I'd bleed it, undone the nipple an felt the threads grinding. Seems the previous owner knackered them and just spannered the nipple in. I don't fancy fitting a helicoil as I'm not keen on drilling it without damaging the nipple seat. Also, the bike is a bloody nightmare to get into neutral, even by hand. Is this something I can correct or do I just have to live with it? Cheers
  2. Cheers ladytrialer, I'll keep an eye out on ebay, though there doesn't seem to be much for gasgas on there.
  3. Hi all, I'm new to trials biking. In my youth I've had various crossers and field bikes, which led on to road bikes. From a DT50 to more recently an R1. But now Ive taken to Trialling, with a Gasgas JT 350, 1995 model. Its a bit of a beast, I know, but it seemed good for the money. Are parts stil available for these? Ideally I would like to buy a manual for it, it nees a few jobs doing ( fork seals, rear bearings, front brake). Where's the best place to try for bits? Cheers, Cieran
  4. Bike front wheels on the back of the trailer? That technically makes it two trailers you're towing, needing not only a class one HGV license, but to comply with locomotive speed limits instead of HGV limits (35mph on A roads, 40mph on motorway). Ever wondered why the showmen/circus's potter round so slow? Not that their motors won't go any faster, they're not allowed to. I drive a HGV wrecker at work, and I've got to stick to the same rules ( wrecker, suspending the front of an artic unit which is towing a trailer makes it me towing two trailers).
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