If your super unleaded (93) is 93 octane then there lies your problem as the montesas are high compression engines designed to run on 98 RON fuel.
93 octane would be too volatile and cause pre-ignition (Knocking). This is where the fuel mixture ignites BEFORE the engine reaches TDC, pushing back against the piston as it moves up its stroke. This aint good for your engine...
Hmmmm I did wonder about that. At the moment I have a stick-on tiny plate ontop of the rear mudguard which is obviously highly illegal. The Mont lighting kits seems to include a nice Honda XR-esque tail light that would sit nicely ontop and a huuge bulbous monstrocity that looks like it would snap the mudguard in two if I attached it.
Not sure whether to just take the risk or play it by the law, Im pretty sure I wont get pulled in rush hour traffic as they probably wouldn't catch me and Im damn sure I will get pulled anyway as its going to look a little funny (Im 6ft 3 by the way!).
Has anyone used a buttrest (www.buttrest.co.uk) and do they work?
Hi has anyone used their trialler as everyday transport? I've got a 3-4 mile commute across town and Im thinking of using my 02 315r. Ive got the full lighting kit etc.
I know its probably a bad idea but has/does anyone use their trialler everyday?
.... I should have taken out the bolts and replaced them with zip ties, but I didn't, and I flipped it, and my rear fender snapped into three pieces.
New rear fender for a 2002 Lampkin rep 315r, that'll be
Hello im in the process of sorting out a 349 cota gearbox (would guess mid seventies bike). The owner took it apart but got the shims wrong and as such only had 1st and 3rd gears. I have the montesa manual but its vague about the shims, especially the sizes. does anyone know the specs of the shims (width/diameter etc) or can work them out from the montesa part numbers?
Thanks for your help!
Can take pics if you know them by looking no measuring.
Haha awesome vid mate! Thats the exact same bike ive got at the moment, albeit with the engine in many smaller pieces and not working! Great to see it in action!
Hello everyone this is my first post here but ive been riding trail and enduro bikes for a few years.
I recently did a top end rebuild on a mates Beat and after riding it around the garden decided that trials was in fact, very cool.
SO i rushed out and Ive just bought an old (1991) Aprilia climber 280 trials bike to knock about on during the winter while I save for a 2005/2006 YZ or CR 125 to do enduros on next year.
But sadly, the plan did not go to plan!!!!
Full details here lol
= http://www.trailbikemag.com/forum/viewtopi...p?p=81996#81996]Clicky click://http://www.trailbikemag.com/forum/v...a>]Clicky click