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Everything posted by stu109
  1. Hi I have a 2013 Beta Evo 4T which has started running very rich. It is fine on tick over but give it some revs and you get a cloud of black smoke. It also uses a lot more fuel than it did. It is not the choke stuck on. I can see the choke effect when I start it. I have cleaned out the carb and lowered the needle one notch but with no effect. Beta UK tells me they cannot supply any carb spares. Before I take the carb off again, any ideas on the possible cause of the problem? Thanks Stuart
  2. Hi I had similar fan issues and thought I had solved the problem a number of times. In the end turned out to be a problem with the fule solenoid. If the issue returns try disconnecting the solenoid.
  3. stu109

    Fan Switch

    Took the bike out today and it overheated again. Fan running slowly. Cleaned connections again, no joy. By chance can across this thread - As suggested disconnected the fuel solenoid (which was not working anyway) and fan now back up to speed.
  4. Hi I think this is the same engine as my Evo 4T The water pump shaft has two seals one to stop oil leaking into the coolant and one to keep the coolant in. There is a weep hole that allows coolant to leak out if it gets between the two seals. The shaft is prone to wearing. You can see if it is becuase it gets a groove cut where the seals rub. From memory, I think it is possible to replace the shaft without taking the head off. Stuart
  5. stu109

    Fan Switch

    Hi I only had 1.6 volts at the fan. Cleaned all the connectors particularly the one to the regulator. Now all works fine, so must have just had a bad connection. Thanks for all your help.
  6. stu109

    Fan Switch

    I have replaced the switch and the fan but the bike is still overheating when it stands running for a while. It looks to me as if the fan is running more slowly that I remember. Can anyone tell me what voltage I should be getting at the fan? Also does anyone know where the earth point is on the loom so that I can check the grounding? Thanks
  7. stu109

    Fan Switch

    Hi, thanks for the replies. The 4T switch is different from the 2T. I have removed the circlip, so will give the self tapping screw a go.
  8. stu109

    Fan Switch

    Hi Can someone tell me how to remove the thermostatic fan switch on my 2013 beta Evo. It looks as if it justs pushes in and is held in by an O ring, but I cannot get the old one out. Thanks Stuart
  9. stu109

    Fuel Tap Solenoide

    Hi The fuel tap solenoid on my Beta Evo 4T has stopped working. On examination one of the wires had broken off just where it joins the solenoid. I will have a go at reconnecting it or maybe buy a replacement. My question is why is this fitted to the 4T? The bike runs fine with the tap set to bypass the solenoid, and you can turn it off manually. Should I just leave it as is? Thanks Stuart
  10. stu109

    Carb Repair Evo 4T

    Hi Got it all back together now, what a nightmare! I was looking to buy a new needle. My only experience of this type of CV carb is a worn needle making the bike run rich. I could see the needle was worn, but could not get one straight away from Beta UK as it was an order only. As a compromise I lowered the needle one notch. The black smoke has stopped. Thanks for everyone's help. Stuart
  11. stu109

    Carb Repair Evo 4T

    I have taken the carb off, what a swine to get out! Not looking forward to getting it back in. I will give it a good clean and may invest in some new diaphragms. At the top of the carp there is a connector for a tube. On the parts diagram it is labelled oil breather joint. Is there something connected here. There was nothing on mine and being open it was full of crud right through to the top of the diaphragm. Any thoughts?
  12. stu109

    Carb Repair Evo 4T

    My Evo 2013 3004T has started putting out black smoke at higher revs. I think the carb could probably do with an overhaul as it has not been looked at since I got the bike. Does anyone know if there is a rebuild kit available for this carb? Also, any tips for completing the work? Thanks
  13. I've come across a number of prople in the same position. Has your £20 payment for the licence gone though? If you delete the licence and reapply you may find you are charged a second time. Try emailing Kisty at the ACU - kirsty@acu.org.uk Can't promise but she has helped me out with a few queries. Stuart
  14. Hi You need to ensure you have expiry dates of 31/12/23 for Club membership (look under the menu Club & Team Affiliations), Trials Registration (look under ACU Competitor Licences) and ACU membership (under Member Details). Your ACU Membership need to have a Membership Type of Trials Competitor. If not your licence is invalid, and you cannot enter events on-line. You can change these by using the Actions (three dots) on th right. Bear in mind there are two ways to renew your Club membership. One where you pay online and the other where you pay the club direct and then confirm membership via sport 80 (email goes to the Club to approve). I have found that a fair number of riders are using the second of these even though they have not paid the club. The Club can approve or reject these requests, but there are no contact details provided. So, if a request is rejected there is no way the Club can advise the rider where they have gone wrong. You can join our Club (Eboracum Motorcycle Club) on-iine - https://eboracummotorcycleclub.sport80-clubs.com/memberships/177/join A bargain at just £10! Stuart
  15. If I log on as a Club official I can see a list of Club members (affiliates). Next to some are labels showing, ADD, PREPAID and AUTORENEWAL. I wonder if these are a flag to indicate that these Member's Details (ACU Membership) should be updated for 2023, possibly at the year end. I also have a few Club members whose ACU Membership status already shows 2023, but I can't see why these are different from the rest. The void created by the lack of information from the ACU is being filled by rumour and speculation. Some of it from me I think!
  16. I have discovered that to be able to enter a 2023 event online riders must have: A 2023 Club membership (affiliation). A 2023 Trails Competition Licence (Registration) A 2023 ACU Membership. This third item will come as a surprise to many as this was largely invisible in the old system. Renewing your licence automatically renewed your ACU membership. I think Sport 80 is supposed to operate in the same way, but it doesn't. If you look at your Sport 80 profile "Member Details" shows your ACU membership status, "ACU Competitor Licences" your licence status, and "Club and Team affiliations" your club memberships. All three of these must have an "Exp Date" of 2023 for you to be eligible to ride. There are two ways to renew your Club membership (affiliation). By paying the club directly, and then confirming your membership through Sport 80. This is the equivalent of the unique code used in previous years. By paying on-line. To use method two the club must have enable online entries in sport 80. Not all clubs have or will. You cannot get to the on-line Club membership option through your Sport 80 profile. If you use the Club and Team Affiliations tab (actions, three dots, edit) to renew, this assumes you are using option 1 above, and have already been approved as a member by the Club. You will not be charged, and an email will be sent to the club for them to confirm you have paid. Your club membership will be "pending" until the club have approved. If your Club has enabled on-line membership payment/renewal, you need to navigate to their on-line membership web page within Sport 80. I've no idea how you find this. There is a suggestion in the blue waning text on if you use option 1 above, but the link referred too is blank. I have put a link to our Club's (Eboracum MCC) on-line membership page on our general Club website. Other Clubs may well have done the same. Once you have sorted your Club membership (affiliation), you can move on to your licence. It appears you can renew your licence in one of two ways: Via the Member Details tab - (click Actions, three dots, edit) Via the ACU Competitor Licences tab. This is where I think there is a glitch in the system. If you go via option 2 above, it looks as if you have renewed your licence (i.e. the Exp Date changes to 2023), but your ACU Membership remains at Exp Date 2022. You may find you're not charged the £20 here and think you have got a free licence! I think if you get your licence via option 1 above, both your Competition Licence and ACU Membership gets updated once you have paid your £20. If you enter a 2023 event on-line and you do not have a 2023 Club membership (affiliation), a 2023 Competitor Licence - Trials Registration, and a 2023 ACU Membership with a membership type of "Trials Competitor", your entry will be ineligible. You won't know this of course, because your entry is accepted and you will be charged the entry fee. Administrators should note that, unlike the old system, riders without a valid Licence are not automatically charged for a one day licence, there are simply entered with a status of "ineligible". I have also discovered there doesn't seem to be a way of allocating riders an actual rider number. There does seem to be a way of adding a new rider to an event (which we used for unpaid rides for helpers). This looks to be a two stage process in which the rider still needs to confirm their entry via Sport 80, but I couldn't figure out how it works. Disappointingly, still no proper training materials around events despite repeated promises from the ACU.
  17. There is a fault on the sytem that means a medical questionnaire is requested for riders over 70. This is not be needed, and ACU are sorting out the problem. Hopefully riders over 70 who have applied for their 2023 licence but have it pending awaiting the questionnaire will have the licence approved once the glitch is fixed. Riders may find that if they attempt to enter a 2023 event online their entry is marked ineligible. This seems to be because the licence checking routine is looking at this year's (i.e. 2022) licence and concluding the rider does not have a 2023 licence even if they do. May well sort itself out automatically on the 1st January but not certain.
  18. I attended the zoom meeting at the start of the week. We were promised detailed information but this is not available yet. I have, through trial and error, set the memberships for our club. Took me a while to figure out I needed two stripe accounts, one for memberships and one for entries. Couldn't make it up. I have discovered clubs can see who has paid for memberships via "Invoices" on the CMS dashboard. I have managed to set up an event. ACU set up the event once a permit has been approved. I had to redo the Classes and attach the relevant licences. Again trial and error. Some riders have entered but so far I have not managed to get an "eligible" rider. Not sure if this is a problem with their licence or my set up. No way to tell what the problem is. Have logged various support tickets but so far no replies. Try emailing Neil Doctor at the ACU (neil@acu.org.uk) he sorted out a couple of my issues. Not his job, he is General Secretary, but if he gets inundated with moaning emails he might get this mess sorted.
  19. Hi You need two licences one for solos and one for sidecars. I am told there are some issues with the new club membership system, and it is currently being sorted out. You need to renwew your club membership to get a valid licence. Stuart
  20. Hi Did anyone attend yesterday's ACU zoom presentation? Any use, should I put time aside tomorrow to attend? Stuart
  21. Hi I've followed the instructions to set up a strip account as show in the "testing" video. This now shows as "pending". It would have been nice to have access to the testing system prior to launch, then we could have at least got it wrong in a test environment. I have also set up the website page, which now does have a link to "renew membership", but I don't know how members find this and if I look at it in the "preview" link it says the "Club cannot take payments at this time". Why are we all thrashing about in the dark trying to use this s**t pile with no proper training or support. All this should have ben sorted out prior to making the system live. Stuart
  22. Hi I am the Secretary of Eboracum MCC. From an administrators perspective Sport 80 is a disaster. I have done my best to set up Club memberships, and am getting emails asking me to approve new memberships, so clearly some people have figured it out. However, I can't tell if people have paid their membership or not, so am having to approve blind. My permits & events sheduled through the old system for January do not appear to be carried forward to Sport 80, and I cant find any way of recreating them. I have had to advise riders to enter on the day if they are having difficulty with memberships or licences. ACU hav invited me to a Zoom metting on the 8th, but it is only a presentation, questions cannot be asked during the meeting. Looking at the presentation topics permits and events don't seem to be scheduled. What is particularly frustrating is the total lack of any training material for adminstrators. We are being forced to experiment to get things going. God knows what sort of problems we are setting ourselves up for in the future. Stuart
  23. If he rides in ACU governed events he is restricted to 125cc on a monoshock bike.
  24. stu109

    4T Carb

    Jitsie do one, have this on my Beta. Was quite hard to find one in the UK but here is a link for information - https://www.zonetrial.com/ArticleDetail.aspx?langue=E&Modele=Mixture+screw+carburattor+Beta+4+st&Id_Article=11140 Have also seen a mod were a small hole is drilled in the OEM screw and a thin wire with a 90 degree bend in the end is soldered in. Just enough to make a manual adjustment beneath the carb in-situ.
  25. Hi Have just managed to break my collar bone falling off my outfit. Was on a bike high camber and the outfit flipped, and rolled down the hill. I was thrown off and the bike landed on me on it's first roll. Clearly I need to improve my technique! I have seen photos of people riding across a camber with the sidecar wheel off the ground. However. I have not been able to replicate this. Can anyone advise? Stu
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