A few more pics in the woods......
Some close ups of the frame mods.....
Got the Sprite and had a first ride on it yesterday. Feels surprisingly modern. The frame has obviously been quite well modified to alter the steering angle, it does steer very well. The engine feels lively and it seems to find grip pretty well. I'm surprised how light it is.I'm quite chuffed.
Thanks Andrew, hopefully I'll have some pictures of it today, taking it out for a spin.
Hi Andrew, thats great to know a bit more about where it's been. I bought it from the twinshock shop (www.twinshockshop.co.uk) so perhaps thats who Keith sold it to. Would be great to meet up with you at a trial. Struggling a bit this weekend but I'm sure we can fix something up. I bought it to replace a 350 unit twin Triumph that my Dad rides as it was getting a bit heavy for him. This one's much lighter. After a brief trip down south it's back in the Peaks again! What fuel mixture did you find best when you had it? This is the first Villiers lump I've had.
Cheers mate,
Well, I've got the bike, not had chance to get any photo's of it yet but watch this space. Comes with quite a it of history including the original sales receipt for
Thanks for the comments again chaps. This one is only going to be ridden sympathetically I assure you. The bikes probably going to be more competitive than I am to be honest!
Thanks, I wanted a bike that was nice and original in make up. Not sure exactly what electrics it's running yet. Will post more pics and info soon when it arrives. Looking forward to giving it an outing
Thanks a lot for the info Sparks2 much appreciated. I was told the head angle had been modified but didn't actually recognise the barrel. The tank does look a bit SWMish but I'm told it's actually CCM.
Cheers again.
I'm not 100% sure Steve, I'll know more when I've got my hands on it. Apparently it's got some good competition history so I'll post some more soon. I'm buying it from the Twinshock Shop in Devon. The tank on it is from a CCM.
Thanks for the replies gents. I've just purchased one, I haven't taken delivery of it yet (see pic). I'm hoping to maybe find some literature at the Stafford show next month. I'll try to get a copy of Morley's book. Very interesting to hear you worked for them Geeman.
Thanks again.
Hi, can anyone tell me where I can find any info/pictures etc on Sprite Motorcycles? If anyone's got any literature, advertising stuff I could buy copies of or anything for sale I'd be interested.
Using fully synthetic Putoline how much per 5L of mixture do you add?
Bit short on Amish folk over here regrettably! Wife seems surprisingly keen on my getting a shed too for some reason. Has suggested that the xbox goes in there too and even offered to fund central heating for it!
Well, a gas fire at least.
I wonder why?
Perhaps she can see endless evenings of undisturbed Hollyoaks and strictly come dancing without me moaning and watching bike DVD's. (Least I hope that's her motivation)
I'm running out of space and looking to get a good shed/workshop built. Does anyone have any tips for good suppliers? Maybe even someone who will put a base down at the same time. I'm getting to that age where a shed is an attractive proposition.
If you go to the Beta main website betamotor.com and send an email marked for the attention of Gianluca Olivieri he will send you one. Sent me one for free for my '97 Techno. Hope this helps.
Diadora Stones. I like 'em. Comfy and flexible.
It's true, age doesn't matter, that's the great thing. I only started last year ( age 35 ). Wish I'd started years ago but hey, I'm just glad I got stuck in. I've met some great people and enjoyed some great sport. It's one of the most friendly sports I've eve come across. I'm riding an SY250 now and loving it. I'm quite astonishingly crap but I'm getting better and having a hoot.
I'm interested in this discussion too. I've just rebuilt the clutch on my 350 unit twin and wondered if anyone has any specific recommendations for clutch oil?
Interesting thought. Bought it from a guy just outside Derby, so not a million miles away.
Don't know, just wondered if it related to anything someone might have heard of.
I'm restoring a 350 unit twin Triumph at the moment. It's a '58 3TA frame and '64 engine. On the rear of the engine case near to the frame is engraved (roughy with a dot punch) "HOLLOWAY". Presumably from a previous owner or whoever built it in the first place. Does this ring any bells with anyone?
Count me in. We have got to shout up before the government put anything into action, by which time its invariably too late to change anything.
Fredster, I'm also a newbie to this sport and have found this site to be a real help. I won't try to advise you on bikes because I'm not expeienced enough to comment on what's out there.
I will say this though, get out to a few local clubs and speak to people. I have been amazed at what a friendly welcoming bunch the triallers I've met so far have been. Everyone seems willing to help a new-comer. I have been invited out to practice wih people which has proved great fun, been given loads of free advice and generally been encouraged to get stuck in. I've always been into more solitary biking and not been a competition type bloke but this is changing.
I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in this year.
PS I've bought a Scorpa SY250 which I think is a thing of absolute beauty. However I keep falling off the bloody thing so don't take my advice! (If anyone can suggest a bike that you don't fall off please PM me!)