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glenn r

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Everything posted by glenn r
  1. glenn r

    New Techno Owner

    If you email Gianluca Olivieri at Beta's main site (betamotor.com) he will send you a manual for the Techno. It's an owners manual as provided originally with the bike as opposed to a workshop manual but it is quite useful. Hope this helps, Glenn.
  2. Thanks Paul, PM'd you, Glenn.
  3. When I try to download the SY250 Engine and User Manual from Birkett's site I just get re-directed to the new Scorpa site and can't seem to find the appropriate one on there. Does anyone have the PDF'sfrom Birkett's sitting on their computer that could email them to me? (or know of where I can get them) Cheers, Glenn.
  4. I've just bought an '04 SY250 and love it. I'm a bit of a newbie but it seems so easy to ride. Great bike.
  5. I love my old Triumph 350 twin but am having a real buzz on the '04 Scorpa SY I recently bought. Actually makes me look semi-competent.
  6. Richard, thanks a lot mate, I'll email the guy and see how I get on. I'll let you know what happens and might take you up on that offer if I get no joy, Cheers, Glenn.
  7. Does anyone know where I can get hold of an owners/workshop manual for a '97 Beta Techno 250? I've just bought a nice one and could do with a manual. Cheers, Glenn.
  8. Cheers Andy, that's a big help mate.
  9. I am looking for somewhere to practice and I'm told that Hawk's nest off the Leek/Buxton road is somewhere you can use. What's the best way to go about using this place. Is there a phone number to ring or do you just turn up and pay? Cheers, Glenn.
  10. Hello, just thought I'd introduce myself. Been into off road bikes fo a bit now and got the trials bug whilst doing up a Pre-65 Triumph 350 unit twin as a bit of a project for my Dad. Looking for a modern trials iron now and hoping to get to know a few clubs. Staffs Moorlands and Derbyshire which is my area and Shropshire/Staffs border for my Dad. Went to have a look at the Shropshire TC at Hinstock (I think) last Sunday, seems a really friendly bunch. The smell of 2 stroke in the morning. Lovely!
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