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  1. I went to the Talmag again this year, What a nice and fun trial for us , the "not so good riders", maybe does that explains the 220 entries only pre65 four strokes !!!!!
  2. I bsa, sorry for late reply, I did quite well when the sections where still classic pre65 style, my son rode it well in expert sections with stones and rocks. The R-E is at about 126 kg, the Norton I ride now is 120kg but now I reide the easy route. Good fun whit your project. Chris.
  3. Hello, i have the holt one on my noriel and it is perfect, I bought an avery for a friend's ht5 that is not as well made than the Holt but very acceptable. Worth the money.
  4. Hello all, I did the scottish with this R-E 350 in 2000 and 2001, very hard !!
  5. This was after the Aywaille 2 days trial in the ardennes.be. 2 days tral without the slightest problem and nothiing to do for the next trial excep a good wash. Not the same for the rider, had a painfull week. Christian.
  6. Hello Tsf, tthe Norton is not rigid, in fact it is a Noriel with a model 19 engine and burman gearbox, Norton fork, cub hubs, I bought it a the Talmag well 12 years ago. Its terrifying bike to ride but I like her so much.I think it is my last trial bike.
  7. Hi trf, very good to read your interesting comments. I have also , what I believe is a very late DMW barrel and head. If I could find the time to fit it !!!! The Norton is still going strong and is reliable, so there is no need to improve the Greeves for the moment. Regards. Christian.
  8. The Greeves is my spare bike when the Norton is out and it is a completely different riding( is it a surprise? ) Once I get used to brutalise the throttle when I need power, it works quite well, it is very soft at low rev's and almost unstopable, about power, it is not my Norton but I really love to ride the greeves (not as much as the Norton thou). Compared to other Greeves I could test, there is a small lack of response at low revs. There is something strange on this engine, the conrod is the short one , I believe from the 190cc Villiers. Was it a modification they used to do?? I own this Greeves from 2005, and never saw one with the same barrel. Hello Deryk, on the photo you posted the barrel seems wider and head fins arrangement is not the same. Thanks for your replies. Christian.
  9. Here are some photos of my greeves.
  10. Hi Gary and all reading this. I would like to see a photo from your engine with the Marcelle barrel. I believe that I have one on my Greeves. (will post a photo later) Thanks. Christian.
  11. Hello everbody, I see him every day each days. I love that drawing from Rod Organ(if I am right!!) Does anibody know this?
  12. Hi leard, if you look at photos of my greeves you can see that the head not greeves or Parkinson, I believe it is a Marcelle barrel and head. What do you think?
  13. Hello bashplte,you are welcome to our trial, if you email me your details I will add you to the mailing list and you will receive next year's entry form. Regards. Christian
  14. You are right Michael and no clutch lever on the handlebar but a lever on the engine which means that when he release the clutch in a uphill section, his right hand is not on the bars. It is also the first trial bike with wooden footrests!!!!! I call him "the Burt Monroe" from the pre65 trial circus.
  15. Hello all, Can somebody recognise the barrel on my Greeves. This engine is verry soft at low revs and verry powerfull at the same time. I love to ride the Greeves when my Norton is ill.
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