It does have the flywheel weight installed, but I prefer the fast throttle tube, I have tried both.
Tony P
Thanks Rock Hopper.
I really like this 97 Fantic. I only paid $500 USD for it!
I put a new rear tire, fast throttle tube and new grips.
I wish I could find a set of new decals for it.
I'm fairly new to trials, prior to this Section,
I owned a 74 Honda TL125, a 75 Yamaha TY 250,
and a 91 Fantic 309.
So for me this bike is a big step up!
Tony P
Unionville, NC USA
My 97 Section is in excellent condition, fast throttle, power valve works fine, strong compression, added optional flywheel weights to smooth out power delivery, and it does NOT lack power!
Tony P
Charlotte, NC USA
Steve, so did you find a Section?
If so, tell us about it!
Tony P
Charlotte, NC
Chris Florin is gonna be ridiing on the show next thursday with John Wienland.
Tony P
Paul, I sent you a PM.
Tony P
Paul, I've got the Hutchins on my sons GG50. Aside from adding 5 teeth to the rear sprocket, that is the best thing I've ever done to the bike!
WOW, traction what a concept!!!!!!!
Tony P
Charlotte, NC
Paul, You REALLY need to put a 4 to 6 tooth larger rear sprocket on that GG50!
The difference is incredible!
My 10 year old rides his GG50 in the adult Novice class in out local club. Every event, people comment about that little 50 !
Tony P
Target, I do not have a Beta. But, I've had 28 motorcycles over the years. Montesa, Carabella, Honda, Yamaha, Fantic, Gas Gas,.....etc.
Now, having said that, I've had several occassions where the key was sheared. It is designed to fail first in the event of a problem. That way, you should not have damage to the crankshaft, or the flywheel.
Be sure to clean the crankshaft shaft, in the area where the flyheel mates up, and the inside of the flywheel real good. You may have, scratch that, will likely have some metal transfer on the mating surfaces. This must be cleaned up really well so that you can obtain a good tight fit to prevent another key from shearing.
I have always used some valve lapping compound on the shaft, then put the flywheel on the shaft, and "lapped" the pieces untill the surfaces had a good clean mating surface. I hope that made sense!
Tony Powers
Charlotte, NC USofA
Paul, I did not remove the balls. I think it will depend more upon the thickness overall of your clutch pack as a whole.
I've not worked on the GG50 in about 2 months due to surgery and we are moving.
Currently, the clutch is fully engauged unless you use the clutch lever. However, I do have a little drag due to the clutch not totally dis-engauging.
I've got to work on that a little.
Tony P
I seem to remember a trials how to book written by Mich Lin and either Carl Shipman or Len Weed??
I'd LOVE to have an autographed copy if such a thing exsists!
Tony P
Aside from the missing sidestand, that I'd love to find, the only other problem with my 97 Section is, I cannot select neutral while the engine is running and the bike is not rolling.
Otherwise, I LOVE this bike! Only paid $500. USD for it too!
Tony P
1997 Fantic Section photo and info page:
Hey Steve!
I'm not sure that I'm qualified to answer your question. But, I own a 97 Fantic Section. I have the optional flywheel weight, fast throttle, working power valve, and I LOVE this bike, great motor!
I am TOLD that the only difference between a 96 and a 97 is the 97 has an aluminum frame.
By the way, the ONLY thing I'd like to find for my Section is the sidestand assembly.
Photo attached.
Tony Powers
Charlotte, NC USA
" things often come off the wrong way so I try to be careful what I say "
I agree with that!
Tony P
please try the Bosch Platinum plug I mentioned above!
Gapped no more than .020
Not that anyone asked, but I run Amsoil 100:1 oil mixed with premium fuel or AV gas at 88:1 in our little Gasser and in my 97 Fantic Section.
Tony P
Charlotte, NC USA
I would NEVER run ANY bike with a dry air filter.
I use a filter oil / filter cleaning system called "NO Toil"
No toil meaning I guess "no toil" or easy to clean".
Go to : http://www.notoil.com/
As for the link to airbox modification, I cannot find it now, but I printed it out for my files:
"Trim interior square hole in airbox lid to enlarge into a rectangular shape. Also trim at a 45 degree angle, the outer top intake area of the lid. This modification makes a noticeable difference in throttle response, and improves stock jetting".
Tony P
Charlotte, NC USA
I'm sorry, I meant to say the bike was very hard to start HOT.Before our modifications.
Tony P
A few ideas for you.
My son has a 2000 model GG 50. I bought the bike from the second owner in 2004.
It was very hard to start cold. Wide Open throttle helped for sure.
Well, not our bike starts 2nd kick almost everytime.
I installed a Bosch Platinum sparkplug WR9DP Stock # 4220 gap .020.
I cut the lid of the airbox as per the GG USA website suggestions to allow more air into the carb.
I use No Toil air filter oil.
Now, you did not ask, but the BEST performance mod for the GG 5o is to add at least 5 teeth to the rear sprocket. You can special order a sprocket in the USA from Sprocket Sopecialists at 800-782-8200. And the price is less than the stock sprocket would cost from GG. Of course, you'll need to add a few links to the chain. But WELL worth it!!!!
The next best mod was to beg borrow or steal a pair of 2 ply Hutchins or Vee Rubber tires and burn those 4 ply Cheng Shins!
When your installing the 2 ply tires, install a thick heavy duty inner tube.
Tony Powers
Charlotte, NC
Tony P
Hey guys,
It worked pretty well.
Now I've got to flush out the old contaminated fluid from the hydraulic clutch system, so that the clutch will dissengauge fully.
Tony Powers
Charlotte, NC USA
I have ordered a couple of parts from GasGas to convert my sons GG50 to a full manual clutch.
MIT 50032064 2mm Steel Clutch Disc
MIT 50032052 1.5mm Steel Clutch Disc
While I have not converted the clutch yet, seems like it will work fine.
I'll let you guys know next week.
By adding one or both of these plates to the clutch pack you will basically take out the slack needed for the steel balls to "ramp up" and engauge the auto clutch. (I'm sure that made no sense at all!)
And one of the BEST things you can do to the GG50 would be to fit a rear sprocket with 4 to 6 teeth larger than stock! MAJOR improvement! In the USA, you can order a larger rear sprocket from Sprocket Specialists.
Tony Powers
Charlotte, NC USA
Can someone explain how to properly adjust the clutch on my 1997 Fantic Section using the adjustment at the clutch basket?
Tony P
Charlotte, NC USA
Can someone explain how to properly adjust the clutch on my 1997 Fantic Section using the adjustment at the clutch basket?
Tony P
Charlotte, NC USA
ScorpaF and Al B, thanks for the help, got the brakes working GREAT today!
New brakes, new tires, ready to go next week!
Boy, bleeding these brakes are a PAIN!
Tony P
I don't see Good Morning America on the schedule.
Is it the Ealy Show?
Tony P