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Everything posted by motofire
  1. Great...The ones after that are very readable. Thanks you guys!!!
  2. Thanks...Are you sure thats a "D" and not a "zero".
  3. I posted this on TC but wanted to try this forum also... I am in the process of trying to register my new to me(used)2006 Sherco 2.9. Problem is 3 of the characters of the vin were scraped off from normal wear and tear from some of the cables and the registry will not reg it. If anyone out there would be so kind to run out to your Sherco and give me the 10th,11th and 12th character off your vin from your bike I would GREATLY apprecaite it. Its located on the right side of your steering stem and starts with VNBS.... Again...I really appreciate this!
  4. Not a trials story and not real funny but I got a cool pic... I was riding with some friends and had a little offroad excursion through some small trees. I comntinued riding until the end of the ride, when I went to take my helmet off I couldnt get it off. Something was stuck. The stick you see in the pic went through my helmet liner and ended up where you see it. It went in about 2 1/2 inches and luckily didnt cause any damage to my ears(or brain, I think)I had no idea this happened and it really didnt hurt at the time. Later it hurt quite a bit.
  5. Ok....I have been walking around work singing that song all day. My co-workers are about to kill me. By the way whats that song that Irn Bru copied for that commercial? I know I have heard it before. Anyways, great ad you guys got there. Reminds me of the Beer commercials we have here in the states. They can be better than the shows that are on.
  6. Dont click that link. Its a simple game but quite addictive!
  7. I'd love to debate you but I really cant. Knight's proving it.
  8. But its' too 'new' to have a history Thats a good sign...good Karma if you will. Have you ever heard of guys when they get a brand new helmet they drop it on the ground to get a little nick in it so thay can say "hopefully that the last time it hits the ground".Its the same thing... I say leave it, any repair you make may weaken frame.
  9. I am from Mass (USA) and quads certainly have had a negative impact here. You can streotype them into the beer toting cooler packing category but the major problem is what the vehicle does to the trails. You can timeline the increase in the popularity of 4 wheelers with the destruction of singletrack here. As they became more popular the singletrack trails became wider,mudholes deeper and cut arounds more promonent. Infact stste forest's have been closed due to the impact, the documentation is there. Now in their defense quad owners have very little places to ride. They need a place to go so they can ride legally That said just to the north of us in the great state (I mean it) of New Hampshire there is an ATV club(NHATV) that is great. They are very pro active and are responsible for some great advances in trail use there.
  10. I think you are correct. Points well taken. Though I would only give it 1 1/2 half cheers.
  11. I am definately not saying they should muck with new ideas but come on, that thing is rediculous. If Scorpa spent less time on junk like this then maybe their trials bikes would be even better, thats what they are a trials bike company arent they.. What can a project like this prove, is there really a need for trials quad? Certainly not here in the states. Other places,maybe, that I admittedly dont know. And....it most certainly is Yammie frame,motor and swing arm. Go to the link below and compare photos. I had a YZF and its obvious. I mistakenly said hubs, what I meant was axle....its the same too. Yamaha
  12. Problem is with a smaller company like Scorpa a project like that takes money,from other, realistic projects R&D. Wheras a company like the big 4 has a multi million dollar budget for prototypes that never even go out the front door. Though it looks as though Scorpa did not blow too much on the effeort. Its a Yamah engine,frame,swingarm and hubs. I think Scorpa should stick with the trials bikes...it seems they certainly have a winner there!
  13. Brian I apoligize...I didnt mean it to sound that way and certainly was not inferring you were advertising! It was more of a compliment.
  14. Wow...thats nice. You looking for some business?
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