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  1. The same part is used on some xr200's.
  2. I am trying to replace the Mains Seals on a 2004 Rev3. I'm struggling with the Primary Drive end of the Crankshaft. Could someone clarify whether the nut is Right-Hand or Left-Hand thread. Any tips for getting it off (I don't have an impact wrench).
  3. My memory is rubbish, but 90% certain it is a push fit. And then i think there is a circlip below that.
  4. Yes, i have rebuilt mine. Cap can be tapped off. Tricky getting old seal out but can be done. Can't remember where i got new seal. Mine was TLR200, but same principle.
  5. Rev3 has A reputation for being robust with lota still around and in good nick (very few problems with mine in 10 years). Plus 2 stroke simplicity.
  6. On the subject of restoring old bikes, I had an interesting experience a couple of weeks ago. I was doing up an 80's trials bike, and decided to lower the footrests and sharpen the steering head. Initially, I was going to do it myself, but then thought I'd get it done by one of the various guys who have websites advertising pre-65 & twinshock type stuff. I emailed one of them for a quote .......£800 ......yes, eight hundred pounds !! An expensive bit of welding don't you think !
  7. Hi, The TLR200 has a brake pivot/fulcrum that is more of a D-shape, rather than the more normal I-shape, i.e. the corners seems rounded off on one side. Does anyone know the thinking behind this ? Do people keep it, or replace ? Tony
  8. I've got a secondhand tubeless tyre that needs fitting, and hear they're not easy. Can anyone suggest where I could get it fitted around Congleton area?
  9. Hi, I am building up a Bantam trials bike from an engine that seems to be a mix of 3 & 4 speed parts. - So its a 4 speed box, and 175cc top end - but it has the old Wico-Pacy ignition - and it has a clutch basket with 3 friction plates. I've been out for one shake-down ride, and the clutch slipped like crazy. My plan is to get a set of new friction plates, and a set of (6) stronger springs. But I just wanted to check whether this is likely to fix the problem, or does everybody end up having to fit a 4-plate basket. Would the 4 plate basket be a straight swop ? Tony P.
  10. Hi, This isn't an answer to the original question, but its a supplementary query.... - in this day & age when electrickery gets ever cheaper and more clever, does anybody know why electronic ignition continues to cost around £250 ? - has anybody found an easy good-enough solution using parts from mainstream bikes or other machinery ? Tony
  11. It is probably best to be clear what you want to achieve.....I would suggest - get your first trial under your belt - learn the logistics about entering etc - chat to few people and feel that you are part of it - do some sections - watch how others ride the sections - accept that you will make some schoolboy mistakes, such as taking the wrong route in a section But don't .... - expect to do all sections and all laps - and don't worry about your score The two key points are.... - use it as a learning exercise - and enjoy it !
  12. Hi, yes great choice, really bullet proof bikes. Other tips..... - Keep an eye on the oil window in the gearbox.....the inner clutch case used to corrode and let water through into the gearbox.....most problems have probably gone away now.....but just watch out in case the oil goes milky/cloudy. - Try to avoid ever having to bleed the brakes, it's a nightmare, especially at the back. - 9 PSI in the front, 4 in the back. - I usually take the right hand side flywheel cover off after each outing/wash, just to dry it out, and hence avoid the risk of the stator getting damp/rusty. It's only 3 studs. - Don't worry if the clutch takes a while to free off when you first start it up, they all do that. Enjoy !
  13. tonyp

    Beta Rev3 Big End ?

    There has been no real step-change in noise, vibration , and performance. It continues to perform OK, but I'd just like to get an indication of life expectancy.
  14. tonyp

    Beta Rev3 Big End ?

    Hi, I took the head/barrel off my 2004 Rev3 today...... - No discernible up/down movement in small end or big end. - But I could rock the conrod to & fro a bit... this wasn't just sideways movement on the crankpin Do you think the big end is worn ? How tolerant are Rev3's to a bit of wear ? I'm OK running with a worn engine, just wondered if it's going to blow-up big time in the near future? TonyP.
  15. Thanks. Plan A is..... - get a coil and aim to then finish off 'version 1.0' of the bike - give it a run out a couple of times, and see what it's like - then make the necessary changes, and launch Version 2.0 I'll add electronic ignition if/when needed. Plan B is.... - do lots of work on the bike - avoid spending too much because........ - I usually hit snags and lose momentum - then it will be hidden away with my other unfinished projects. Incidentally it is a bit of a Mixture... - 4 speed D13 - but wico-pacy ignition It was like that when I got it TonyP
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