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  1. Holy smoke subira.......... was I glad to get rid of that RL... it sat in wiggys shop for a year before he sort of sponsored me on it! well convinced me to buy it ( he was the original del boy ).... I tried hard to like it, but as soon as I got rid and bought a 325 bultaco, started to win again! Nice to know where the old bikes went..... cant picture you though with a name like subira.... probably know you well!
  2. I don't think so....... your bulyam braked frankenstein piece of pig iron will have rotted away by the time you take the challenge and ride it... I'll have a bet with you..... I'll beat you at the next round, then you ride the frankentaco, I can beat you on that!!! ....... and then I promise not to park in front of your sherco..... although it's difficult to pick your's out amongst all the other's.... cant you paint it pink or something!
  3. My '75 KT250...... only seen 1 other ridden in the classic series, and slowly getting it to ride nice! Beat a rake of modern bikes at the hooper this weekend..... my ultimate goal is to beat Nigel Dabster on his Sherco!!! Got quite close last time......
  4. No trouble yet getting spares.... although they come from N.Zealand and the U.S.! As to getting common, I know what you mean...... gonna have to get a Fantic 300 like Tony's to be unique! It's going to be a KT310 soon, and that will be unique, as I bought the last authorized Kawasaki kit from the U.S. Do the Victory, a bit tiring, but well worth it.... take Monday off work though, as I reckon your bones are as old as mine!!
  5. Hi Marky, did the welsh and the victory, found out that my mate john cowley was 1st on 7 ( should have been 4, but the observer on the one but last sub gave him 3, and we all witnessed an amazing clean! ) Birkett 2nd on 11, and John's brother Tony on 15 was 3rd. I was 4th on the KT.................. IN MY DREAMS!! The Victory was much tougher than usual..... and they changed the sections for the first time in years...... which meant looking at them!
  6. had a ride on birketts suzuki at the dk mansell few weeks back and was mightly impressed.... engine was easily a match for my '04 270 beta, all felt very modern, riding position etc.... got a long way to go with the old KT, got a 310 big bore kit on it's way from US, anyone ever ridden or heard of this kit before? Circa '76 vintage.
  7. milly

    Kawasaki Kt250

    see you at those two marky G....
  8. milly

    Kawasaki Kt250

    Yep.... that was me! Thanks for that, was getting a bit tight on time by then, and was trying to calm John down after his five in the easy section before... he would have won the trial on two marks if he hadn't gone into the drink... best five I have ever seen him have!
  9. milly

    Kawasaki Kt250

    Ahh ..... but was the bike pretty? You were invisible, but .... there was a bad smell near some of the streams! Might recognise you by the smell next time.
  10. Hey Mr.Dabster, that was a stonking ride at the weekend! Didn't see you ride, Tony did, thought you were going well. Should be riding the old 'un though..... when you gonna dig it out?
  11. milly

    Kawasaki Kt250

    Did you see that other sexy katie at the Mansell......... Ridden by a bloke who's nearly as good looking as the bike!
  12. If you know your dealer well, he'll tell you that the Beta importer has an excellent after sales backup for him to rely on. Makes a difference on what bike he's most likely to stock. Having ridden Gas Gas then switched to Beta, and dealt with both importers, think I'll stay on a Beta for quite some time!
  13. I.R.C. great in the muddy bit's! Not ridden on rocks to much, but for midland centre trials, its an advantage. Last's longer as well.
  14. Anyone know the guys at the show that were selling that old kt250? Didn't have a piston, looked quite tatty. Wished I'd bought it now!
  15. milly

    Kawasaki Kt250

    Gonna be there, dabster say's it the best round by far. He never said why though..... can you tell me?
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