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Everything posted by Tingting
  1. Right oh. 700cc are in now. Watch this space!!. Thanks for your help.
  2. Thanks feetupfun. I didn’t know whether it was a way of ensuring maximum drainage if there are two sections as you mentioned. I appreciate you can never drain completely without stripping but would re-filling with the stated 700cc cause any potential issues if the unit was not completely empty? Thanks for your patience with my novice questions.
  3. Left hand casing sorry. Hope this makes sense?
  4. Thanks for the reply feetupfun, appreciated. Presumably this is why there is a second drain plug for the clutch section?
  5. Apologies in advance for my novice question. Could someone possibly assist with regards to correct procedure for changing the gear oil on a 95 TYZ250.There is reference to 700cc capacity on the casing but i am struggling to get much more than 250cc in before it begins to flow from ithe oil level port? I appreciate 700cc will be from factory 'empty' but I have drained oil from sump and/or plug on left casing and failed to remove more than 300cc despite warming, tilting etc. any advice much appreciated. Regards
  6. Hello all Just wanted to introduce myself to one and all. Currently in the process of getting my 1994 Yamaha TYZ 250, which I've owned for 20 years, up and running again. It's not seen seen much action apart form the occasional start up for over 10years. If I can just clean up the Dave Cooper rack and get a tow bar fitted it may just turn a wheel again! Hoping to gleen a bit of information from other users along the way if I can? Regards
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