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Everything posted by bucki3
  1. The turns might just be a coincidence, try new plug
  2. Seems like its had a bit of water in there and imulsified. Car engine is a big no no, you want a proper gearbox grade fully synthetic oil, i'd personally recommend silkolene pro SRG 75, available from most bike shops. As far as engine flush goes it forget that aswell. Put in new oil and run for 5 hours, drop the oil and insert more new slippy stuff. After that just do regular changes and it'll be fine.
  3. Does it sound as if i'm taking too much gear??
  4. I might be a bit paranoid but...... I was going to run a heavy duty ( Renthal R1 ) chain, Enduro 4mm front tube. Has anyone used the YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE exhaust cover? Are the benificial for the ssdt? As far as spares to take round with me, levers, rear brake pedal, gear lever, spare chain link, dog turds and tool, front tube, tyre levers, Co2 bottles, 8" shifter, 8,10,13,14,17mm combis and a few allen keys. I've got a delay tank bag for the majority of the kit but not sure if i'm going overkill, i can split the kit who i'm riding with! Any feedback would be great!
  5. Hi everyone, as the time is now looming for the trip up to fort william, i was wondering if anyone has tips for preping the 4RT for the scottish. Apart from the obvious fresh oil/filters and tyres, is there any little secrets i should undertake?? Thanks in advance!
  6. You'd be aswell buying one of these, its what i use for the scottish http://www.bonthronebikes.co.uk/391-66
  7. Angle grinder! Remove the back - follow the outer lines and cut as clean as possible. Repack as required and weld back up. If you dont have the facilities then most garages/bike shops have the gear. Mine went on an 04 after 6 months, once i done the cut and shut i never had a problem!
  8. bucki3

    Hebo Pegs

    I've got a 4RT, fitted raptor pegs with 10mm hangers and have the exact same problem, I took the path of removing a shaving off the kickstarter and it managed to clear, others heat the peg and manipulate it out the way ( 4lb hammer nomally sorts it! )
  9. I used to have a 315 and had the same problem, the jitsie plates make a slight difference, with them and some practice i'm sure you'll manage to whip the back end around like bou in no time! The only downside is i had to fiddle with the suspension to get it how i wanted, they're worth the money though!
  10. What year is it? I've got an 05, the only mods i carried out were putting on the 315 master clynider for the cluth and changing the clutch plates for 06 ones. Apart from that they are amazing!! You wont regret it!!
  11. I've got one, i use it as my daily transport and for taking the bike at the weekend. I have a metal bulkhead fitted and it will take one bike in the diagonal position, i tried two but it was no joy. You might get two in if it wasn't for the bulkhead. I tried a few vans out before settling on the connect, in my opinion its the best option in terms of cash. Try and get the TDCI tho, a bit more oomph!!
  12. bucki3

    Ssdt 2006 Dvd

    You can get it from Colin Appleyard,
  13. Mines a Sigg, walking shop in Ft William, 1.5ltr
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