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  1. I was looking for a replacement fuel cap for my 1980 Fantic 200 and came across a French website that is making them for every model except the 200. Are the fuel caps the same for the 125, 200 and 250 or is the 200 the outlier?
  2. I bought the Fisch Stubby 20. It fits nicely inside the stock silencer and I plan on purchasing a WES silencer which will accomodate the Fisch Stubby 20 as well.
  3. I'm hoping for a bolt on solution as I want to convert back to non-spark arrestor for competition (spark arrestor not required). I could buy the Fisch for use with the stock silencer for OHV park and use the after market for competition.
  4. Well, the DEP and Feked silencers do not have a stinger coming out the back. They have an "innie" and not and "outie" (belly button reference), so the Fisch spark arrestor won't fit those. The WES silencer has a stinger that angles downward so the Fisch may not fit that one as well. Looks like the stock silencer is the only option for the Fisch. Or I can purchase an FMF universal silencer and have the piping customized by a machinist/fabricator.
  5. Thanks McMan56 for all these details. The Fisch looks like it comes in sizes that will fit both the stock silencer and the aftermarket ones. It should work if the stinger on the silencer does not come out the back of the silencer on an angle (like the WES silencer on my Fantic). The Spanish Fly, the Onan and the one sold at speed and sport are too big and would require a you to fab a large adapter to make it fit the smaller diameter outlet of a vintage silencer. I want to buy a repackable silencer for my TY Mono so I'd be inclined to get a Fisch spark arrestor to fit that (if it fits). I received an email from DEP informing me that they would not ship to the US so that one is off the list (unless a UK trials shop sells them).
  6. Hi Slack, I've spoken to Paul in the past but not on this subject. I've hear others have modified FMF universal spark arrestors to fit various bikes but I'd really like to come up with the correct silencer with a spark arrestor add (as you can't find a combo unit for the TY Mono). Thank you for your advice
  7. I'm interested in purchasing an aftermarket repackable silencer for my TY mono (DEP, WES or those sold on FEKED). I am located in California so, as such, I'm required to run a spark arrester at any OHV park. I've been going round and round on this, trying to find a solution. I'd love to find a cone screen that will fit any of these and avoid the DIY mess I may make of a new silencer. I was also thinking of sourcing a Cobra Sparky that will fit on the back end of one of these silencers (although a bit clunky looking). I'm concerned that it may not clear the rear fender as well. Can anyone tell me the dimensions of one of these oval silencers at the back (top to bottom, side to side) ? Any suggestions you may have would be greatly appreciated. Even better if you happen to have a picture of one of these silencers installed on your TY mono. Thank you for help in advance.
  8. My TK carb is just worn out on my Yamaha mono TY. I'm looking into replacing it with the old stand bye, the Mikuni VM26. I had read that Jon S. had success with these. Does anyone know the starting point jetting specs for a Mikuni VM26 for a bone stock Pinky? Thank you for your help.
  9. My TK carb is just worn out on my Yamaha mono TY. I'm looking into replacing it with the old stand bye, the Mikuni VM26. I had read that Jon S. had success with these. Does anyone know the jetting specs for a Mikuni VM26? Thank you for your help.
  10. The springs that came out were 450mm with no spacer. What went in was 463mm: springs were 443mm and spacer was 20mm (minimum setting).
  11. I compared the configuration of the forks components in the forks I pulled apart to the photo of John Cane's dampening rod. Apparently the last person who worked on these forks put them together backwards. The top photo (below) shows the parts assembly order on the dampening rods I took out of both fork legs. I reassembled the correct way after viewing John Cane's (bottom photo). I've got the magical and adjustable spacers in both forks and now have them back on the bike. I was surprised that I was able to put the fork caps on with the new spacer added but it worked. I've got the spacers adjusted to the minimum length and I'll have someone help set the sag when out riding. I'm curious about the sag starting point you mentioned (60mm). That's more than a third of the entire travel length of these forks (178mm). That seems a bit steep for sag. I may have to remove the spacers and even then I don't think I can get that much sag with me on the bike. Thank you again for all your help and support.
  12. Majesty kindly provided me with a service manual and parts list for the TYA. These documents include a completely different diagram of the forks that do not include a spring seat or a spacer (see below). The Magical springs are 443mm long. I just pulled my forks apart and discovered that my fork springs are 450mm long. This looks similar to the service manual diagram than the online parts diagram as it does not have a spacer but, unlike the service manual diagram, it does have the spring seat and a second small spring on the dampen rod. There appears to be some extra pieces below the piston not shown in any of the diagrams so I'm now wondering why these parts diagrams are different and why neither matches what If got inside my forks (see picture below). Are these TY forks?
  13. Yes, I'm sticking with the stock dampening rods and my drain screws are on the rear of the fork legs so I should assume these forks are from a later model ('76 or '77 in the U.S.?). So please correct me if I'm wrong in doing the following: Referring to the diagram below, I should be removing the stock springs (#9), the stock spring seats (#11) and the stock spacers (#12) and replacing those with the new progressive springs and Magical adjustable spacer. Everything else (stock) will remain. You recommended that I, "....set the total Magical spring+spacer length the same as the original spring + spacer length". I should ignore the length of my sagging springs and use 400mm as the measurement of the original spring in your formula. When setting the sag are you referring to the difference between the handlebar height and ground when the bike is resting and when I'm on the bike? Or are you referring to the amount of fork travel down the fork stanchion tube between the bike resting and me sitting on the bike (sorry, I'm a newbie). You mentioned that the dampening rods are different in the later models. I've been thru all the parts diagrams and noticed that the springs, rods and tubes are the same part number throughout the 1970s in the U.S. I've also been told that the diagrams are wrong as they all depict the drain screws on the side which confirms they are wrong. Thank you for all your help
  14. PS. When I say "adjusters" I mean the required spacer for the progressive fork spring and not the cool "preload Adjustable Fork Caps" that are on back order.
  15. I have no manual and plan to take my forks apart, clean them and then install the new "Magical" fork springs and adjusters that I just received from France. Does anyone know what the original spec. is for the amount of, or level for, the forks on this bike? I'm assuming that the spec. for oil weight is10w30 or 10wt (I'm 130lbs so a light rider)? The springs and adjusters did not come with any info. so I'm assuming that I set the adjuster length so that the combination of the adjusters and the new springs match the length of stock springs? Thanks for your help.
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