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  1. I am having the same issue currently. How did you find out it was the CDI?
  2. Drehmoment

    TRS e-start

    The 2021 and onward Bikes have the battery behind the front lights. I guess it shouldn't be too difficult to convert. As for your battery, it's probably just old and dead. My lithium batteries did have the same symptoms on my KTM. The battery still works in my kickstart only street bike but will not start the KTM reliably. New battery fixed this. My TRS is from 2019 with a starter btw but has still the original battery. But until I bought it a couple of months ago it had only 5h on it.
  3. No you can not. Springs have to have a certain length ect. Find out which fork you have and search for this
  4. I did just that. Upgraded my std springs to stiffer ones and love it. I am not a good rider and still starting to get the grips. But I have a good feeling for what helps and what not. And the springs where great! On the boots. I have just bought trials boots but I am not sure if I like the softness compared to my G12s
  5. Maybe you are mixing four and two-stroke parts? But if there is a spark at tdc I would say at least it should start
  6. And by the way here are some pictures of todays trial event:
  7. Yesterday the Forma Boulder finally arrived (took a while). The fit a lot better to my wide feet than the Alpinstars. Still the are pretty close to too tight. So I am hesitating a bit to keep them. They are well made, but seem to be a bit more simple in finish. Also the ankle is not really well supported. But I guess thats how it is supposed to be.
  8. That's not a joke. Just saying Maybe my English is not accurate enough to explain what I meant
  9. Measure the depth of the threads and count how many there are. This will give you the pitch.
  10. So the Alpinestars arrived in no time. They seem to be well made and are very comfortable. But unfortunately my big toe touches the front of the boot, so they will have to go back. We will see what the Formas bring.
  11. I just ordered Forma and Astars. Will be here soon. Unfortunately there is no shop where I could try them.
  12. Hello Arnoux! Thanks for taking the time to write this summary! This is indeed very helpful.
  13. Wulfsport seem to be available up to UK12. Which is too small for me.
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