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Everything posted by paulthistle
  1. I didn't say "money rules" as a bad thing. A top rider would be foolish to turn down more money during the years he is the most valuable. they may only have a few years to make maximum dollars. They should make the most of it. A business is trying to make money for it's stockholders (owners), so promoting effectively with winning faces, works toward that end. Honda has many sides. They may not make money on trials but trials may keep their image high in powersports circles. It would be cheaper to buy A trials championship than a formula one. If you limited the amount of money a team could spend, you would create..........college football? At the current level of difficulty how would minders be detrimental? A top rider should insist on many for safety, a company would be wise to protect their investment. And if they could heckel their way to a championship...........
  2. Steve, My son Aaron will be riding the #2 line this year. Last year it was a sherco 50, this year a beta 80. He won on day three last year because he was on a small bike. This year a tougher line, clutch and a taller heavier bike, it may be a tough event for him. He is so small for his age, he looks tiny on the 80. I look forward to knowing who a few people are this year.
  3. Money Rules, After you get the #1 plate no one remembers how you did it. Maybe a standard observer training, could prevent them being swayed by a well meaning fan club. And previously good rider anger management class. Or currently good rider. A champion will use all means availible to win. Some things are distastefull but at the end of the year holding the #1 plate only a few EL's will cry foul. And unless regulations with some tooth are written in, next years winner may have to do the same. A champion does what it takes, first loser whines about how unfair it is. We all want to be champions, it's just that not all of us have the stomach for it.
  4. That sure is a lot of history in one place! If I had to choose one to ride, I would pick the 125 yamaha. I remember pictures of Glover on it I think. Thanks for the link.
  5. If the smoke is white and puffy (transmission oil) instead of blue gray (mix oil), check the crankshaft seals. If your bike has always drooled you need to change the low speed jetting. Putting less oil in the fuel will make the problem worse, 80:1 is a good start. The best course is to pick a ratio and fuel, then stick with it and jet the bike to that fuel. Most synthetics now availible are of excellent quality. I like the yamalubeR for its low ash in my mx bikes. But I run K2 or H1R in my trials bikes. I can't decide which I like best.
  6. Should I refuse to pay? Maybe it won't look so bad in person. I bet they would tidy it up a bit.
  7. Wow! Thats ......... well thats something. What happens when a floatie ruptures!
  8. paulthistle


    There is a pinion gear on the main shaft behind the clutch. The spring clip has probably broken or come off. To get to it you must remove shocks, exhaust, cables and wires. Then set the frame away from the engine and rear end. It sounds like a big deal, but it isn't. While you have the clutch cover off, check the drive rubbers in the primary gear on the end of the crankshaft. I would just replace them to avoid future hassles.
  9. Watching the TC videos of the Spain round, Lampkin rides with such confidence. He looks like he knows where he is going , and then the bike goes that direction, deliberately and precisely. I know he didn't win, and I didn't watch all sections, But of all the riders he easily displayed the most confidence.
  10. What a great event! I really enjoyed the excellent instruction. I learned several new techniques that I just could not figure out watching a video. It is so helpful to get experienced instruction at the precise moment you are doing something you shouldn't. I would also like to thank Charlie, Jim, Ron, Bruce, Alex and many more I'm sure, For making it an event my son felt very much a part of. Charlie really put him to work, and it lit him up all weekend! Thanks to all!
  11. I agree. I bought an old TY to ride in vintage rounds, in hopes of having a more continous season. I enjoy riding in different conditions. It is still a compettion between riders skills, no matter what. Perhaps some winter dates need to be encouraged. The question is who wants to be the first promoter to try it.
  12. I guess HRH PC Knows how to pick the british babes. That kind of lovin belongs in a trailer park! I belive the biggest difference is one is availible locally and the other requires flight.
  13. The expander usually goes under the bottom ring. If you look at the rings from the top, you will notice the bottom ring is not as wide. That gives room for the expander.
  14. Duh! Why didn't I think of that! It will run, it will sound like a chainsaw. But you can ride it or run it to check it out. It will be blowing flame out of the exhaust, just be aware of what you're setting on fire.
  15. JayLael, Very informative, it certainly explains the NATC's vision. Which I agree is a good one. As good as Loretta Lynns is to motocross, a springboard to the level of national caliber rider. Only a few survive. Only a few can make it in that kind of pressure. Jeff Emig was interviewing Eric Sorby at Daytona, Sorby told him he had practiced all week with Bubba. Five 20 minute motos per day PLUS, cycling, weights and such. Not everyone wants to be champion bad enough to do that. But if someone does, should we support a system that would allow them to reach their potential? It sounds like the NATC has perfected the first step to building tomorrows champions. Lets continue to support their efforts and imagine the steps we could take to make our riders the envy of other countries. We have the tallent, we have a training camp, It doesn't seem as though there's far to go.
  16. Yes a plugged exhaust would affect compression.
  17. A crankseal leak can have erratic symptoms. If there is oil on the leaking side it would smoke a white puffy smoke. If you removed the carb and exhaust pipe, plugged the holes, then with the piston at the bottom of it's stroke put 4 to 6 psi in the crankcase through the sparkplug hole. Spray soapy water around the seals or listen for air leaking. If the crank bearings are loose you may try moving the crankshaft up and down. If it moves at all, the crank bearings will need to be replaced. I would also verify the ignition timing.
  18. British humor would be "Me Hoover sooks as well". I guess most would rather not talk at all as opposed to discussing something. Most seem to get angry and resort to the same old tired scripts. Blah blah blah, my pacie is in my other man bag. No Lane= ............and here we have a recipie for a nice pie.
  19. I am glad to see Watts win one! He seems to have trouble getting body and mind focused on racing at the same time. I went on an MSR promo ride a few years ago, he is an incredible rider.
  20. With my new bifocals, that font looks 33DD!
  21. I had a great time! Well thought out, Aaron and I both enjoyed it. Thanks Barry and all who made it happen.
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